"Can I offer you anything? Something to drink? I have beer and tea..."

"It's fine. Just water, please."

"Alright. Then please take a sit." I gestured towards the sofa. "I'll be there in a moment.

After a little while we were both seated, each with a glass of water in front of us. We continued to stare at each other silently, until I finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Uhm, Mr. Kim you... you wanted to talk to me about something?

"Yes. I will be honest with you and say it openly. Would you please reconsider your decision regarding that business trip?"

I looked at him dumbfoundedly. Again, with this. What was it about this trip that made it so special? Why did he keep asking me to go with him?

"Mr. Kim, I spoke my mind last time we talked about this. My reasons haven't changed since then. As soon as there are some advances in the planning process, I will consider it again. Until then, I am afraid you will have to make do with my current decision."

"So, no matter what I say, you won't change your mind?"

"I really don't understand why this trip is so important that you have to go to such lengths to convince me." I asked, unable to hold back.

"It's important due to personal reasons."

"Personal reasons?" I gaped at him. What was this person saying? If it was personal to him then why care so much whether I go or not? Unless... Am I somehow connected to this personal business of his?

I guess seeing my conflicted expression made Kim Hanbin decide to stop beating around the bush and come straight at me.

"Lisa-ssi... I want to go with you on this trip, just the two of us. I want to be able to spend time with you, to talk and get to know each other better."

"Hanbin-nim, I am afraid I don't understand..." I said, my tone sounding uncertain.

"What I mean is that I am interested in you, Lisa." He said, shifting his position and leaning closer towards me. "I like you. More than just a business partner or a friend. I want to be close to you, to get to know you and for you to know me."

At this point my brain blanked out and I didn't even realize he had stopped speaking. A moment later, I felt a warm touch on my shoulder and something overshadowed me. He was leaning closer and closer, until there were just a few centimeters between us. That's when I heard his inner thoughts, loud and clear, shattering any trace of doubt I might have had.

Lisa, I like you. I like you very much. Ever since that day, so many years ago, I... I have kept you in my heart and mind ever since...I kept thinking about you...

My body jerked on its own, as if it had been electrocuted. I sprang to my feet and shuffled a few steps backwards, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. What was all that about many years ago? Haven't we just recently met? I don't remember meeting this person ever before, let alone be so close as to give this man the chance to feel this way towards me. It was all very confusing.

When I tried speaking, I was startled to notice just how much my voice shook. I didn't want to seem weak in front of this person, therefore I tried my best to reign in my emotions.

"Hanbin-nim, you... you can retrieve your investment if you wish. I don't care. I...I just want to know what it is that you really want from me."

It appeared that my violent reaction made him snap back to his senses. He also seemed to make an attempt at calming down from his previous surge of emotions. He even did it better than me. His voice was steady and his posture had the appearance of calmness. Only his eyes betrayed an internal turmoil.

"Lisa-ah, you don't have to worry. I won't take back the funds for the movie, because I believe your story needs to be brought into a world of color on the big screen. You deserve that."

"Director Kim ..."

"Alright. I'll tell you the whole truth. Whether you will still want to talk to me after that, it's your call. I will abide with whatever you decide."

Hanbin stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath and sitting straighter, as if getting ready for battle. I looked at him puzzled, thinking what could he have to say that was making him feel this nervous.

When he finally began speaking again his voice sounded low and melancholic.

"15 years ago, I was in a car accident. My father's driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused a big accident. More than one car was involved, but there were only two severe casualties. One was the driver who died, and the second was a girl of around 14-15 years old who ended up in a coma. I only got a concussion and the rest of the people who were further away from the hot zone only had mild injuries. I spent a week in the hospital, before I was finally allowed to go home. My father was still worried, so he had me coming back for a checkup almost every other week." He shifted his chair closer.

I grabbed my glass n take a sip of it, I nodded give a signal to let him to continue his story.

"It was boring to stay in the hospital, so I took the habit of walking around the hallways or going up on the rooftop for a breath of fresh air. One day, I heard a doctor talking to my dad about the accident. They mentioned the girl who was still unconscious. Since she had been on the crosswalk at the time of the accident, she got the worst of it. But astonishingly she was still alive, even if just barely. Her head had been hit pretty badly and they couldn't estimate when she would wake up. Since the accident had been caused by my father's driver, he offered to pay for the girl's medical expenses. Whether she would remain in a coma for a week or even longer, he was willing to have everything taken care of. Thus, his personal assistant went and talked to the girl's parents, offering his assistance for whatever it was needed. I don't know how those parents reacted; I only know that they agreed in the end. After all, having to keep a single room in a hospital must have cost a lot of money and they didn't seem that well off."

"A week went by, then a month, then a whole year passed. I kept visiting the hospital regularly, at first for my own health, but afterwards I continued to go because of that girl. That time when I heard my father talk to the doctor, I secretly went and found the room the girl was staying in. To my surprise, there was no one there besides a little girl. She was sitting on a chair with her head leaned against the side of the bed, her small hands clutching at the girl's. Probably her sister, I thought. I took a few steps closer until I was right next to the bed. When I gazed down at her face I became immediately fascinated. She had white skin, thin eyebrows and long eyelashes. Together with her straight nose and thin lips made up a beautiful face. Her body looked delicate and frail, like she was a porcelain doll. My heart was captured then and there; I fell in love at first sight." He lowered his head.

"Several minutes later, a woman came inside the room, her voice startling me out of my reverie. She wasn't very young, but it was clear how beautiful she must have been in her younger years. I safely concluded that it must have been the girl's mother. When she asked me if I was there to see her daughter I stumbled on my words and made a complete fool of myself. Even though she had been gentle and soft spoken, I was scared silly and, thus, I ran out like a thief. I was 20 that year, but at that moment, I acted like a preschooler, running away from his crush."


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