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While I was wondering inside my head, I heard Jisoo continuing her sentence.

"He called and told me he is at the hospital. So I have to go now, I'm sorry."

"Hold on!" I cried out, grabbing her elbow. "How are you planning on getting there?"

"Car... I... I have brought my car here so I'll drive."

It was a moment's impulse, but seeing her rattled appearance there was no way I could leave her alone.

"Give me the keys, I'll drive you there." I said in what I hoped was a natural voice.

"No, there is no need to trouble you."

"It's alright. I have eaten enough for now, and a little break from my computer will do me good. Besides, allowing you to drive in this state of mind would be a disservice to the country and the people living here. What if you get into an accident?" I explained calmly.

"Ah, yes. I guess you're right." She scratched her head gaping at me in wonder.

"Of course, I'm right. Now give me the keys." I demanded, smacking the back of her head lightly.

She simply nodded at my words and remained silent throughout the rest of the drive.


The Central Hospital was located at a twenty-minute drive from my place, but due to the traffic it took us almost half an hour to get there. By the time the car was parked, Jisoo's complexion changed from white to red and back several times. I didn't know what to say in order to calm her anxiousness, so I kept quiet.

After finding out the floor and room we were supposed to go to, I saw her taking a deep breath. It appeared that the third floor where we were directed to, was designated for people with broken bones and light sprains. At any rate, that meant Taehyung wasn't hurt too badly, or at least it wasn't anything life-threatening.

While riding the elevator, I followed my instinct and placed a hand on Jisoo's shoulder. It was just my desire to offer her some form of comfort and support. But I didn't expect her to reciprocate in an over-the-top manner.

The moment she felt my hand on her shoulder, Jisoo turned around and hugged me, completely disregarding the stunned people who were riding the elevator together with us.

"Jisoo! Jisoo what the hell are you doing?! Let me go!" I growled at her, while trying to push her away.

"I just wanted to thank you, Lisa." I heard her mumbling over my head.

"Well, you've already thanked me back in the car. Is it really necessary to go this far?"

For the second time since I've known her, Jisoo reminded me of a big, silly dog. The way she clung to me, hugging me tightly and saying thank you... Everything she did rendered me unable to respond properly. I wanted to push her away, but I suddenly lost the strength to do it. All I could do was raise my hand and pat her back gently. Then, I heard myself speak with an uncommon gentle tone.

"It's alright. Everything is going to be alright."

That's when I heard it, a low buzzing coming from somewhere. Then, I thought I heard a voice but I couldn't be sure. There was static noise covering the sound, making it impossible to discern anything. A second later, the sound disappeared as abruptly as it had appeared.

HEART WHISPERS [LISOO Ver.]Where stories live. Discover now