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Authors note #2! 
This chapter has some additional TW's, including knives and a vague implication of s/h.

Also Synapse (ENA's mom) belongs to hotlegs on twt, youtube, Instagram... etc. They are an amazing artist who inspired me a lot within this fandom. enjoy

Also! There have been some grammar spelling and clarification fixes since posted

About Forty Minutes Prior

Moony's elbow rested on the kitchen counter, ENA sat across- giggling at her nonsensical jokes. Moony called it 'abstract humor', ENA wondered exactly how abstract your humor had to be considered abstract in the plains- which were wholly abstract and nonsensical in their own right.

"Bagel?" Moony raised her eyebrow expressively,
ENA blinked, "Bagel who?"
Moony laughed- she had such a distinct laugh. ENA thought it sounded like some sort of queen or goddess. (When brought up, Moony commented she thought she sounded more like a cracked-up saint Nickolas.) "No, dummy, do ya want one?"

"A bagel?" ENA cocked her head ever so slightly.

Moony responded with a dry "Yeh."

"Why of course! The request was just slightly out of nowhere, you must understand." ENA's yellow side (the face currently in use,) blushed an orange-ish color in what must've been an embarrassment.

Turning around and following the counter, she jumped up to grab the end of the bagel bag and tugged it down. "You do a lot of things out of nowhere, Eh-Nah." Moony winked- but being Moony, it very well could've just been a blink. Plus, Moony's mannerisms didn't usually have any meaning to them, unless it was one of those rare occasions where she got serious. She rustled in the bag and pulled out two bagels, setting them on the cutting board. "Where are the knives, Jena?"

"Oh! Err, there are some in the drawer- the one with the golden pull handle-" ENA explained swiftly. Moony opened it, giving a sigh at the sight of dull plastic knives. ENA didn't trust herself around anything sharp, and Moony couldn't exactly blame her. She took one and turned back to the cutting board, closing the door with a knock. "Right! You aren't good with limbs yet, is it possible your in need of assistance?"
Moony shrugged, "Nah, the only thing I think I need a hand with is sawing this in half with a butter-spreading tool." ENA watched moony genuinely struggle to put enough force on the knife to cut the bagel in half. She couldn't help but snort.
Moony glanced over, catching ENA covering her mouth with her hand and stifling a laugh. It was warm, domestic even. Hell, this had to be a new record for ENA staying stable on her yellow side. It brought a pink tint to Moony's form, seeing her like this... after everything...

Once the bagels were properly cut, she grabbed the four halves and took three steps across the kitchen to the other counter by the fridge- looking around for a toaster when she struck gold.

An Airfryer. New-ish looking too, like it'd never been used. Had a sticker on it, which read


Moony snorted at it- a gift from Synapse no doubt. She sent lots of odd gifts, oddly enough even to Moony. Giving odd gifts must run in the family-because from ENA she'd received a rubber duck, at least two hourglass dogs, a kaleidoscope, and many other things moony couldn't even recall. And that was just from ENA. Since Moony had met ENA's mom, she'd received a tophat, a set of kitchen spoons, a snow globe, and a model airplane from Synapse. 

Without giving the air-fryers untouched state another thought, ( setting down the bagel pieces of course) she pulled it out and plugged it in. She opened the middle cavity and placed them in the best spots. Air fryers were great, they could heat or toast anything completely evenly- and revive almost any hot food-But it was always good to make sure they weren't on top of each other so the air fryer could work its magic. 

Turning the dial, she looked back over at ENA- whose mouth currently had quite a worried expression, which quickly flipped to its blue side. 

"Ey-man?" Moony questioned, squinting in confusion at ENA's new distressed expression. Then the whirring started. The whirring of the air fryer, signaling nothing more than it was doing its job, but might as well have been the whirring of a bomb about to explode with how ENA reacted. Her face flickered to monochrome, blacking out her 'yellow' eye in its entirety. She slapped her hands over her ears and squeezed her eye shut, basically falling out of the chair. She stomped, doing a little frustrated dance- clamping the hands she had on her ears tighter against the head, and booked it for the bedroom. She almost tripped over multiple items (ENA's house was about as organized as her mind.) before finally making it to the door. She pulled on the door handle that was built to be twisted, and three seconds of this hysteria had to go by before she finally turned the knob and slammed the door behind her. 

".....Ina?" the Air-fryer made a ding, but moony ignored it, making her way over to the door and knocking. Inside, she heard only quiet familiar sobbing. She let out a tired sigh... everything was so ok, just for a moment- and although the moment had just passed, Moony already missed it. "Cmon, ENA," Moony spoke, exasperated- using ENA's name correctly for the first time in a while with who knows what expectation. 

"GO AWWAY!!! GO AWaY- gOoOOooo!!!!!!!OOo..!oo....." At least this response had words Moony could spit at. Moony decided it was just best if she followed ENA's warbled instructions. She popped the bagels out of the air-fryer, dragging herself to the fridge- spreading the creme cheese  with the same dull plastic knife. She sat on a barstool, eating her halves alone. ENA's halves were getting cold on the white paper towel where she previously sat. Moony stared at them with those tired eyes of hers all gloomy and packed with emotion.

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