The Wanderer

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     She is known to the locals as the wanderer; to outsiders, she is bad credit for the peaceful town of Porkville. The stories of how she enchants men have spread like wildfire to all who think of touring the country side. No one has really seen her. The details about her varies from lips to lips. The fear of such a woman has made the town people cower in fear. No one dares to go into the woods at night.
    They say she often sits at the other end of the woods on panties waiting for the victim to come.
       "And she will try to seduce before digging her teeth on you!"
    The man finished the story as he drank the last beer on his mug.
       "Oh yeah? How come everyone knows the story so well when no one has seen her?"
    A nerd-looking fellow sneered at the story teller. He was a stout fellow with brute strength. One of those men that believes that brute strength is everything. He was from out of town. His name was Doe.
    The man who has been telling the story took a good look at Doe, and spat on the ground.
       "Son, if I were you, I won't be asking too many questions. This is what get young men killed."
    He spat again on the ground.
    Doe looked long and hard on him. He looked around the bar and took a long drink from the mug. If he heard the story teller, he didn't show it. He stood up and dusted his ass.
     " Well fella, until I see with my eyes, that shit is not worth believing"
   He walked away from the storyteller and walked toward the door. That night, determined to pass through the woods, he left the bar never to be heard again.


    Doe staggered left and right as he walked through the woods. The leaves rustled as they bear the weight of his steps. He sang an old sailor song and stopped sometimes as if he is listening to an ode from the silence of the woods; then continued walking again. He could smell everything but fear. Afterall, the night was noisy with owls, and the stars were out. Nothing could go wrong tonight. He thought.
    A rabbit ran across him and he jumped.
      "Cocks and bulls!", he cursed out loud.
   Another rabbit followed as the first ran into the other side of the road. Doe's gaze followed it in amazement as the second rabbit disappeared in the undergrowth. He spat and continued walking. He had only walked for 5 yards when he heard a song. He halted and turned around; he saw nothing but the trees and the empty void of the night.
   He swaggered forward and stumbled on something. His voice echoed across the woods as his face hit a risen root.
      " Fuck! I should fucking watch my steps before I lose my eye to a fucking tree"
   He rose a little bit and saw a white shoe a few inches away from his face.
      " I bet a whore lost her shoe because of this damn root ",he sneered.
   He managed to sit up: a position well known to the Buddhists. He clutched the white shoe in his hand, and he took a deep breathe from it. The smell was so awful that he nearly threw up his guts. One hand holding the shoe, the other waving away the smell like it is a goddamn fly; he managed to choke out some words.
     "Damn! I won't lick the lady's feet for all the gold in the world"
    The other free hand was searching where he was seated until it found the root. He rose and followed the root to its tree.  There was the tree sitting alone in a sparse surrounding. He went up and slapped the tree on what he thought was the ass.
      "You did a fine job sweeping that whore off her feet. By all the gods I know,her shoe smells of a turtle's udder!"
     He patted the tree twice and faced it.
      "Well, I am leaving the shoe to you. Not because I am wicked, but because you deserve it. A smelly shoe for a mocking tree"
     He left the shoe on the foot of the tree and turned,that was when he saw her. His heart missed a step on some unknown veins and crashed on his chest. For what seemed like eons, he lost his sense of speech as he stood watching the girl. His eyes blinking like a white lab rabbit trying to figure what the hell is going on with the maze.
     The girl was wearing lingerie, and she only had one shoe on her right foot. She looked lost and beautiful. Her gaze to the man infront of her was that of fear. She remained unflinched as the man in front of her continued to look at her.
      "The woods at night is not a place for a girl in lingerie", said Doe. Still uncertain of what to do.
      " I lost my shoe, Sir , as I was running home. Have you seen my shoe?",the girl replied.
      "Yeah. I happened to stumble on the thing myself", he pointed at the foot of the tree where the shoe lies like a lazy fat goat.
     The girl said nothing and walked pass Doe to the foot of the tree. She bent to pick the shoe, and Doe saw the outline of her ass. He felt a crumb rise on his throat. Nearby, an owl hooted, perhaps at the sight of such a delightful show.
     Someone cleared her throat and Doe came back to his senses. The girl was behind him.
       " How.."
     He didn't finish the sentence when the girl came close to him.
       "Mister, I saw the way you were looking at me. That's inappropriate for a man you know", She winked.
     Doe could swear he saw a wink. Maybe it is a clue from the girl. He could feel the hot flushes on his back. A good sign. He looked at the two solid dots on the girl's chest staring back at him.
       They look hard.
        It is a good sign.
        A damn good sign.
    Now, he had had girls in the past, and he knew those signs. An unknown part of him questioned the presence of the girl. Another part, the part fueled by his drunk state kept all hormones firing at his Pinkie. He didn't take his eyes off the girl. Doe swallowed again completely unaware of his surrounding, just the girl.
       " Mister?", called the girl. She looked nervous.
    The call brought him back to the land of the living.
       " Eeeeeeeeh.. It is not every time that a man sees beautiful girls in Lingerie ", he grinned.
    The girl seemed relaxed now. She smiled and played with her hair.
       " You are too well a gentleman to flatter",she refered to Doe's drunk state.
       "Ha-ha-ha", he mocked. " I could do more than flattered"
    The girl stopped playing with her hair and walked up to Doe. She stripped the lingerie and stood nude to him. His eyes nearly popped out their sockets. He greedily ran his hands on her breasts and pinched the two nipples. The girl let out a soft moan and dropped the shoe on her hand. She squatted and fidgeted with zip of Doe's pants as she tried to pull out his Pinkie. She pulled it out and Doe felt a warm tender moisture as the girl's tongue touches Pinkie.
       "H-o-l-y M-a-r-y! Virgin mother of beautiful wood V-I-R-G-I-N-S", he gasped for breath as the pleasure intensified.
     His face was toward heaven as he thanked his lucky stars for an adventure that blessed him with a serenade. His drunken eyes beaming with a smile that put the looking stars to shame. In a few moments, he felt orgasm. He felt pleasure as he felt a little pain. He felt warm liquid streaming down his leg. He looked down sharply at the girl and she was no longer the young beautiful woman. Instead, she was bloody and old. She had a wicked smile on her face. The look on Doe's face was of horror and surprise. On her bloody lips, was Pinkie still switching.
      "Want some more, Mister?", the creature infront of Doe's asked.
     Doe freaked out. He turned to run and got impaled by a sharp branch stick out of the tree behind him. He couldn't understand what was going on as he struggled to pull himself out, only to feel more pain. Suddenly, something hit him on his neck as he felt his body rolling. The last thing he saw was the grinning face of the old woman as she picked up his head.

    The next day, Doe's head was found a path in the woods with an unknown dirty foot stucked in his mouth. On his eyes, held terror and disbelief.

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