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"Hi Nikolas sweetheart, how are you doing today. how's the misses?" I greeted one of my favorite patients.

"I'm doing good darling, as is she. how are you and your gentleman and his kids?" he asked as we walked to the back.

"We are doing just fine thank you" I replied

"did they enjoy their day with you after work?" he asked

"they did. their dad came along when I took them to the park & let them run around for a bit get all that energy out then we took to out to eat and just had like a little family day" I tell him

"how old are they?" he asked as we got ready to start his session.

"Kenny is twelve and Ellie is Eleven" I replied

"And I bet they keep you and  your gentlemen friend on your toes huh?" he asked  

"Sometimes ya they do. other times they stick to themselves playing outside on their home playset." I replied

We got to work on all his sessions and talked about different things.

"I am very proud to say that you are improving excellent which means you keep up the good work and in no time you'll stop coming here cause you'll be back to how you were before" I tell him

"now I can't stop seeing my second wife. how would I make it through the day?" he asked

I smiled

"Well we'd both be in trouble you with your wife and me with my boyfriend if we were to marry. " I replied

he laughed

"Its been years since I was in trouble with a woman" he says

I laughed

"don't wanna get in trouble now do you?" I asked

"what good is life if you don't get into a little trouble?" he asked

"Its not good at all" I replied

"thats for sure" he says

We spent the rest of his session talking about how his home workout was helping him and how things could change as he keeps improving.

"Alright, Nikolas that's it for today. you get to go home and relax for a bit and then next week come back and we'll go at this again" I tell him 

"that's my favorite part of the week is coming to see my girl," he says

I smiled.

"you're such a sweet talker. I bet when you were younger you had plenty of girls chasing you" I replied

He laughed.

"I did cause I was in the military and on the school football team," he says

"Well thank you very much for your service," I tell him

"it was a pleasure to protect this country so you could live in it with no worries," he says

I waved him off wishing him a good day before I headed back to clock out for lunch.

I met up with Tara on the elevator and we headed to the cafeteria talking about different things. and it was like I told the lady that said I was gullible that I am cautious with what I say and with people till I fully know them.

I make sure that when I talk with Tara it's nothing too personal so that she can't say anything to Jax and this something gets mixed up and shit gets started then leads to a possible fight between Opie and me.

The biggest majority of things we talk about is work. I listen to her talk about babies and her son while I tell her about some of my patients not telling anything that's patient doctor private. just how they are coming along and how some are excited that they are improving very well.

You Gotta meet her (completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя