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EMO is a label that was placed upon me when I lost someone very dear to me as a result of my lifeless or lack  of expressions. Recently I have lost yet another person I care about and I feel as though each blow is more painful than the last. I feel as though I should have physical scars, that I should be bloodied  and bruised by the pain I've endured but I am still without a scratch within my torture, my purgatory, my pain, own personal hell!! As I lose more of my loved ones so returns that lifeless expression, the mask that conceals my pain, the painted smile that hides my broken, bleeding heart. Very few have been able to see behind this porcelain guise to see the pain in my eyes, most are either fooled or easily frustrated by my lack of emotional response.
There are things that we as a society dean unimaginable or taboo. There are certain groups of people groups of people that we classify as broken as broken, unclean, unworthy or  whatever it may be for whatever reason it may be. We tend to cast people aside and disregard their feelings their thoughts, their religious beliefs but who are we to say that they are wrong and in our own arrogance deny the possibility of of any flaws within ourselves. Who are we to put somebody down for being different. Who are we to say that a person is disabled. Who are we to say that somebody is useless. Who are we to say whether a child doesn't legitimate or not. Who are we to say that being gay is wrong. Who are we to are we to decide who another person can or cannot be. Who are we to decide other people's fate. what we don't realize is it is each and every last one of us have a choice. Who are you to take that choice away from me. Whether I'm black, white gay, straight, Muslim,or Jewish who are you to take that choice away from me. Are we not both humans? I am not above nor beneath you. If I cut myself I will bleed just like you and the rest and the rest. So why is it is it that people believe that that they can control others. Why is it that we believe we can control what a woman does with her body or who a person chooses to love. Why is it that we hate so much that that we make this world unlivable. At the end of the day aren't we all just human?

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