Chapter Two

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It was Sunday afternoon and I was over Maddie's tonight is the night I get to meet Caleb. The boy she is head over hills for and his friends
"Okay but I didn't know he was gonna stand you up" She said fixing the pillows in her bedroom, clearly she has ideas for in here when we have all gone
"No I get that but you could have at least got a number so I could have called, I dont know" I said, last night was great and I wish it had been Myles I had been on the blind date with not Rob but I can't help but think about the what if's
"Didn't you have a nice time anyway?" She said giving me the look of 'you know I'm right '
"Besides the point, I got stood up Mad" I said to her before we heard the doorbell go
"They are here!" She squealed grabbing my arm
"Back on topic, I'm not doing anymore blind dates" I groaned as we headed downstairs

I stayed on the bottom step hiding slightly behind the banister as Maddie went and opened the door, she was instantly engulfed into a blonde's arms before their lips locked and three more boys walked in
"babe this is Joey, Hunter and Myles" Caleb said, I looked at the four boys stood in the hallway, what are the chances that Myles would be Caleb's friend
"Nice to meet you boys, This is -" Maddie started before being interrupted
"Erin" Myles finished earning a look from Maddie
"Hey Myles" I chuckled waving
"Are we missing something?" Hunter asked making Myles chuckle
"Erin and I went on a date last night" Myles smirked, I rolled my eyes smiling before finally meeting them in the hallway
"This is the guy?" Maddie said wide eyed, I nodded
"When on earth did you have time to go on a date? You were with us at the diner" Joey said
"It was at the diner" I answered
"Just after you guys left" Myles answered
"I thought you set her up with Rob?" Caleb asked and Maddie crossed her arms
"I did, but he didn't show" Maddie pouted
"His loss" Myles chuckled before looking at me with a smile again

A few hours had passed, Caleb and his friends seem amazing, I don't think I could have a shadow of a doubt that Caleb will treat her how she deserves to be treated and I'm sure the others a long the way will be a great laugh 
"So this was certainly something" Myles said coming to sit with me on the steps as everyone else was sat around the garden
"How many times are we gonna meet like this then?" He asked nudging me
"I'm assuming a lot more now that our friends are dating" I chuckled
"Guess that puts our plan to set them up out the window" He laughed and I laughed too
"Well I have high hopes they won't need to be set up again" I smiled watching as Maddie had now been thrown over Caleb's shoulder while he ran around
"I haven't seen him like this before" Myles admitted
"It's the affect that love can have on you I guess" I replied
"You think they are in love? Already?" He asked and I shrugged
"With how she speaks about him, I wouldn't be surprised, plus since when was there a time frame on love?" I asked and he nodded his head meaning he got my point
"I guess I just haven't really thought about it" Myles replied
"That's what happens when you're single. You don't really look into it" I answered 
"Then how do you know so much about it?" he chuckled
"because I've watched it happen to enough people" I said smiling back at him
Growing up, mum and dad were always in love. It was so obviously and I couldn't wait for it to happen to me but then when mum passed away it left me scared, it left me not wanting that heartbreak

"Erin come here!" Maddie called as Myles and I were still sat on the steps
"Duty calls" I said rolling my eyes as Myles chuckled. My spot then taken up by one of the boys
"What's up" I said getting over to her as Caleb had then walked past me
"I need you help" She said grabbing my hand dragging me inside the house and up the stairs after we had received multiple concerned looks from the 4 boys
"what are we doing?" I asked
"we are going out with them" She said pushing me into her room
"And?" I asked
"And we need to get you ready" She said going to her closet
"Ready for what?" I asked
"Just a bonfire party at the beach" She smiled holding up a white dress
"Why can't I go in this" I asked looking down at my shorts and tank top
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" she said throwing the dress at me

After about an hour, Maddie was happy, It was in the dress. I let her curl my hair, I let her dress me up like a doll
"Are you done now?" I asked as she grinned like a child
"Yes" She smiled linking our arms as we started walking downstairs
"I change my mind Caleb, I don't like you" I said as we got to the bottom
The four boys had made themselves at home in the living room and at the sound of my voice they turned around
"Well don't you both look nice" Caleb smiled getting up and kissing Maddie
"I don't like you anymore" I said to him making him chuckle
"Erinnnn" Maddie whined
"She's just mad she had to wear a dress" Maddie confirmed 
"If it's any help Erin, you look lovely?" Caleb offered earning a glare from me
It's not the dress I have a problem with, it's the fact that it's Maddie's clothes. They are always a little bit too girlie for my liking 

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