chapter forty-five

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"And your cousin was relieved as well, very much so. I think your aunt's been quite harsh on him ever since you were taken," explained Eloise and Anna couldn't help but chuckle a little. "But enough of that, let's get to the plan."

Anna straightened her back as if it would help her to pay more attention or something.

"Thomas and your mother should be here in about thirty minutes," started Eloise and she has never seen Anna's eyes so relieved or light. "But they can't come in here because Oswald and his people will recognize them immediately, so Chuck's here already. They don't think much of him, I'm sure Oswald has forgotten him if he they have ever even met."

"Chuck is going to get you out of here while I'll try to distract Lisa and Oswald. Your mum and Thomas will be waiting in a car just outside the gates."

Anna had stopped listening the second Eloise had mentioned Chuck. While she's been thinking of Chuck ― she hasn't really thought how her disappearance has affected him, if it has.

And now he was here to take her home.

"Chuck's here?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes he is," said Eloise.

Anna let out a teary chuckle before bring her face to her hands. "Thank you," she whispered through her tears.

"You deserve a good life Anna," smiled Eloise softly, taking Anna's hand and giving it a gentle squish.

Eloise didn't have a chance to explain things any better since Lisa stormed into the room and grabbed Anna. Lisa made the young woman mingle with people she didn't know, she needed to perfect her up-coming role as a wife of well respected man. Anna didn't dare to argue ― she didn't want to jeopardize Eloise's well thought out plan.

So she mingled, she laughed at other women's vain comments.

While she was physically in the big ballroom, she was mentally somewhere far away.

"If you'll excuse me," she said to a group of women and headed to the bar.

She felt uncomfortable with the dress she was wearing ― it showed too much for her taste but it seemed that some guests didn't feel the same way. Many looked at her but no one really dared to say anything or do anything to her because Lisa's been praising around and telling everyone that her daughter is engaged to Sir Wallace.

Sir Wallace was a man with power and contacts ― you didn't want to annoy him.

Instead of going to the bar, she turned a corner and found herself from a balcony. She was alone and she felt like she could breath in something else than perfumes and cigars. She looked over the gardens which surrounded the whole estate. The sight was rather beautiful and just behind these gardens ― there seemed to be a cliff.

Anna wandered off to her own world again and was complete unaware of the world around her.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and fearing it was someone who wanted to hurt her ― she didn't think twice when turning around and punching this person.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Annie!"

It didn't take Anna more than three seconds who she had hit. She gasped before starting to cry, tears falling down her cheeks faster than ever. She crashed on the marble floor, her knees taking the hit but she didn't care. She was shaking uncontrollably and when she tried to speak, no words came out.

"I have to put on a cow bell or something so you know it's me," said Chuck and lowered himself on he floor next to Anna but she didn't react. "Hey, hey Annie..."

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