~Chapter 3~

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"You see someone you like?" Olivia smirked asking theo the question.

"What's 28's name?" theo said not taking his eyes off of him

"Oh thats Luca but stay away from him he has anger problems and he has slept with almost all of the girls" olivia said rolling her eyes

"Oh ok im gonna go to the bathroom" Theo said getting off the bleachers. He walked to the bathroom and said the group that he saw at 7-eleven. He thought of a way to try to avoid the group. He took a deep breath and sprinted for it but to his luck he bumped into someone.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO RUN INTO YOU!" Theo quickly apologized, scared to look up

"Its ok its no big deal" A girl said smiling at theo

"No it's not i shouldn't have been running" theo said

"Wait you're the boy from 7-evelen oh my god i'm so sorry for what happened luca shouldn't have punched you for no reason im sorry on his behave" she gave an apologetic smile "Im Tara by the way"

"No its ok im theo" He smiled

''We should hang out sometime and I could introduce you to the rest of the group" she pointed to the group next to her.

"Yeah of course here's my number" He handed her a piece of paper

"I'll text you later them" She smiled and walked away

Theo walked back to his seat and saw Olivia and Oliver having a conversation not realizing he's there. He stared at luca until they made eye contact, he quickly looked away not wanting luca to recognize him but it was too late, luca was making his way to the bleachers. Theo quickly got up and ran for is life he ran into the group

"SORRY!" he yelled still running

He stopped to catch his breath looking behind him to make sure luca wasn't behind him.he sighed with relief. his phone started to ring.


"Where the heck did you go?!?!" Olivia screamed through the phone

Theo pulled the phone away from his ear a little "Gosh stop yelling i can hear just fine and i left because i forgot that i had to do something"

"Yeah ok" She said sarcastically

"Mhm" he humed "Well enjoy the game byeeee" He hung up the phone and walked into his apartment.

~ POV Luca~

The game ended and of course we won everyone started cheering. I entered the boys locker room and all the boys were cheering. I quickly changed and headed to my friends.

"YAYYY Congrats" They all scream

I chuckle "Thanks guys" I smile

"Let's go celebrate" Blake jumped up and down.

We all walked to River's house because her house is really big. We entered and went to her basement (our hangout place)

"Tara, who were you talking to during halftime?" Jc asked

"Oh it was one of my classmates" Tara said

"Yoooo so i saw the boy i punched in the face at the game" I said looking at all of their reactions tara didn't give me a reaction though "do you know who he is tara?" I asked

"Yes i do his name is Theo and he is a good person" she replied

"Yeah ok" I rolled my eyes

"What he is if you really talked to him and gave him a chance you would see that he is a good person but no you have to be so stubborn and you punched him in the face for no reason" Tara said sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms shaking her head.

"I punched him because he was being annoying and he yelled at me. What was I supposed to do let him go?!?" He replied

"Yes, that's what you're supposed to do. You know what i'm going to invite him" Tara said texting theo her location.

"No dont do that I dont want to see his stupid face." I spoke

"I thought he was cute" Andy Shrugged

"Well hes not hes ugly and stupid" I slumped in my seat


Enjoy! you made it this far why not follow? :D

A punch to the heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang