Chapt. 1

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Heyo I just thought the song up there⬆ gave naegami vibes

Makoto's POV

Here I am..Hopes Peak High! Honestly, I felt kinda nervous walking in. Probably because this is a school for ultimates, I'm just here because my creativity, which isn't that special. Anyways, as soon as I started to walk I got dizzy, then saw nothing but darkness...pitch black. A few hours later I woke up in an empty classroom. I looked around and saw that the windows were bolted, probably to keep us safe, a bit over the top though.. Soon enough I found a note telling me to go to a meeting or something, so that's what I did.


When I found the right place I saw a pretty big amount of people to be in a room that was quite small. After looking around, somebody caught my eye..(ĞÆ) he was blonde, tall, elegant...he seemed perfect. I stared for a bit, then introduced myself. "Um...How's it going? My Name's Makoto Naegi." everyone just stared at me, but I continued to talk, "Sorry I'm late. A bunch of stuff happened, and then all of a sudden I was just...asleep". All of a sudden, somebody with gravity defying hair spoke, "whoa, you too?" "Things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser..." I was still confused nobody was explaining what was happening.. "so strange... I declare beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a strange situation indeed!" somebody wearing small, circular glasses stated. "Um... what are you talking about? I honestly have no idea what's going on right now." I was still quite conf- "Just a moment! There is something we need to address!" somebody with large, bushy eyebrows interrupted my train of thoughts.. "Makoto! You're tardiness is unacceptable! Surely you were aware that the meeting was to start at 8 a.m. sharp! To be late on your first day is unspeakable! I must report you, and you must accept your due punishment!" Not trying to sound rude, but he was kind of annoying.. "What's your problem? It's not like he *wanted* to be late. He didn't have any control over it." I recognized her from the magazine my sister was reading...the ultimate fashionista, I think.. "Everyone just calm down and listen! We should go around and introduce ourselves!" this brunette seemed quite cheerful, despite the fact we have no idea where we are, or how to get around this place. "The hell?! This is no time for some friggin introductions!.."  "Maybe, but it would be best to introduce ourselves before getting into bigger problems. I mean, how will we talk to each other if we don't know anyone's names?" she seemed quite calm, unlike the short girl who talked next(I KNOW CHIHIRO IS A BOY) "That's a good point.."   "Okay, let introduce ourselves, then we can move on to whatever else!" Somebody i recognized from middle school...Sayaka Maizono. I introduced myself to almost everyone, saving the tall blonde for last. I walked up to him and as soon as i got his attention "Names Byakuya Togami.."  "U-uh...Hi nice to meet you." I got no reply, pretty half-assed introduction. I sat there staring at him..he gave off a 'You'll never be on my level' vibe..

Byakuya's POV

"We're done with introductions, right? How much longer are you going to stand there? Go away, I'm sick of looking at you." I said, hoping that would make him go away. Unfortunately, it didn't. " was wondering what you ultimate talent was...?" he asked, obviously nervous. "Ultimate Affluent Progeny. Will you go away now?" Hoping he would go away now. "Um... yeah, s-sorry.." he stuttered and walked away. Thought, as soon as he left i felt something..strange. I can probably ask Kirigiri later, since she is the ultimate detective. I don't really have any other choices.


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