trentasei: ♠️ speak

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Jameson came into the house and called my name. I was in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the sandwiches.

I cooked the chicken and marinated the ribs over night. So when we got to the beach Red could man the grill and I could look cute in my bathing suit and look forward to buying Janet Jackson’s new line of lingerie coming out Early 2010 called “Pleasure Principle.”


“Yes, Jameson.”

Red kissed my cheek, looking at her son with a
huge smile. She rubbed his head.

“There’s a woman here to speak to you.”

"Who?” asked Red, her guard going up.

Red didn’t trust strangers showing up at the door unannounced.

“She said she is a friend of your mother’s.”

Oh. OK. “Invite her in. Bring her to the kitchen.”

Red busied herself. “OK, Mom. I’ll go get her.”

“What lady is here?” asked Red.

“Baby, I don’t have a clue. Mom had a lot of friends. She did work for the government. I may be getting a lot of visitor’s between now and the funeral.”

“You better get ready for it.”

The short, stocky woman followed Jameson through the living room. She clutched her purse.

“What a lovely home,” she said, looking over the boy.

He is so handsome.

She paused when she saw a few photos hanging on the walls. The two women looked so gorgeous.

They were very photogenic. Her heart leapt with joy. She loved photographs, she always has. Jameson studied her briefly.

“Ma’am, the kitchen is this way,” said Jameson,
taking her hand. “Are you ok?”

It took her a moment to get her thoughts together. “No. Michelle was a very dear friend. I can’t believe she’s gone.”

“She’s in a better place. At least that’s what Mom
tells me.”

“And she’s right.”

Jameson pulled her into the kitchen. Fate Williams recognized her. “Oh, hey! How are you?”

She hugged the woman. You look just like your mother and father! “I could be doing better. I am so overwhelmed. I came here intending on giving my get wells and my condolences and I was thrown into the shock of my life.”

“Why, Janis the Pearl? That is your name, right?”

“Yes. That is my name. I’m glad that you remember.”

“So what truly brings you by?”

Janis paced the kitchen.

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