54. I got a man, but I want you

Start from the beginning

The thought of him alone made you smile and your heartbeat quickened whenever you were around him.

Have you ever gotten a random crush on someone but then it goes way just as fast? That's what you thought it was, so you pushed the idea of you and Vinnie being a couple to the back of your mind.

What you didn't know was that he liked you also. But the last thing he was going to do was worm his way in between you and this other guy.

He had been cheated on before and even though he didn't know this guy you were seeing that well, Vinnie didn't wanna cause him the same pain that he  had felt.

The fact that he had a crush was confirmed when Vinnie did a YouTube video with Noah Beck.

"When I say, 'you should call her', who comes to mind?" Noah asks.

"Oooh yeah I can't say. Can't say that." Vinnie responded.

"Is it an old love of yours?"


"Oh its recent?"

"It's a recent but they don't know."

"Trying to keep it lowkey?"

"I mean I'm their friend but I don't wanna be."

"Hey, how's it going with that guy?" Vinnie asked you one day.

"Um," you started. "It's going."

"That doesn't sound good."

"I don't know. I just have this weird feeling about me and him and I can't put my finger on it."

"Did something happen?"

"He's stood me up more than once. We don't really talk unless I initiate a conversation. When we have made plans to hang out, he'd cancel last minute. He's literally come with every excuse in the book."

"What the hell? Is he seeing someone else?"

You shrugged. "I don't wanna accuse him of anything. But my mind can't help but think of the worst case scenario."

"Fuck him. It doesn't matter if he's seeing someone else or not. You don't deserve to be treated like that."

You were on the verge of calling it off with this guy but you wanted to make sure you were doing the right thing. You could get indecisive sometimes or not wanna do something because you put other people's feelings before yours. And you didn't wanna hurt this guy's feelings. But he was hurting yours. See? Conflict.

It was one night when the decision you had to make became crystal clear.

The guy had said he wanted to see you before he left for the airport early in the morning. He said he'd come around six in the morning.

Someone would wonder why you would agree to see him, but you gave people chance after chance because no one is perfect and you didn't wanna drop someone when there were problems.

You went out the the backyard and sat in a chair until he came. Unfortunately, six in the morning became seven, then seven thirty. Not a call, text, or even Instagram dm to say what was going on.

You checked his snap story and turns out, he was already the at airport.

That was the last straw.

You stomped back into the house and had to refrain from slamming the door and waking everyone up.

You went and sat on the couch in the living room as your mind was all over the place. You started to compare him and Vinnie.

This other guy was so inconsistent.

When he did see you, he was too touchy. Like he couldn't keep his hands off you which did make you uncomfortable at times.

He could go days without talking to you.

He only seemed to wanna hang out at night.

Whenever he talked about what he liked about you, it was always about your body or how you looked. Nothing about your personality or anything.

Vinnie on the other hand loved hanging out with you.

You felt like you could talk to him for hours.

He made you laugh until your stomach hurt.

He wasn't uncomfortable when it came to talking about the hard stuff.

He would jump to defend you in any situation.

You finally realized that the guy you should be with was right here all this time.

You put your hands over your face trying to process the emotions.

"I thought you were gone." Vinnie said when he walked in and saw you.

"He didn't come."

There was a moment of silence from the both of you and you felt the couch dip as he sat down next to you.

"That's so fucked up." He sighed.

*one month later*

I'll keep apologizing but I haven't been my best for you and that's not good. I truly care for you and think about you constantly. I want things to go in a positive direction for us. I want an us and I want to be together for a long time or even forever. That means I have to do better on my part and I need to try harder, so I'm so sorry. I hope you trust me and believe me and just know that in time we'll be together everyday and be happier everyday together.

You stared at the text from him on your phone screen.

It actually pissed you off. It was a load of bullshit.

Trying to bait you in by saying things you wanted to hear.

For a while month you were trying to figure out how to end things with him. You didn't wanna do it over text because to you, that's lame and cowardly, but what other choice do you have? He wouldn't come see you in person for any reason.

And perfect timing too. Just hours after you posted a harmless picture of you and Vinnie to your Snapchat story, he writes that essay of a text.

After rolling you eyes at the thought of him, you go on tik tok for a distraction. After scrolling through the first couple videos, one in particular gets your attention.

It was a guy just talking to the camera and he said,

"Meditate on this thought: why do you keep acting like you don't have options? You are the shit. I don't know who told you otherwise. But you need to remember your worth and stop giving cpr to dead situations. Stop watering dead plants. You deserve better. Sometimes unfortunately you have to cut of the dead ends in order to grow. Do what's be at for you. You feel me? You deserve better. Now come on, let's go."

It wasn't until now when you realized that you were forcing yourself to look past all these red flags, forcing yourself to like him. It wasn't fair to either of you to hold on to a relationship that was dead.

It couldn't have come at a better time. You knew what you needed to do.

Note: I wrote this not really for it being about Vinnie, but more on the concept of "If he wanted to, he would." And I want y'all to keep that in mind. And that goes with anyone.

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