Dragons? True?

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. "Sentries, what do you see?" The Imperial general asked. "It's in the clouds!" A sentry yelled. The giant dragon landed atop Helgen Keep. "FUS!" It yelled, and the headsman and I flew away from the block. "YOL! I AM ALDUIN! FEAR ME, FOR YOUR END HAS COME!" The dragon, Alduin, yelled. With yol, fire flew from his mouth and roasted an Imperial The world was blurry as I tried to sit up. "BOW BEFORE ME, FOR I AM ALDUIN!" Alduin yelled as he circled over head, yelling 'yol'. Gabriella grabbed me and helped me up. I dusted off my Dark Brotherhood armor and chased after her and Babette. My ears were ringing as the dragon yelled even more, and my head was pounding. We ran through the gate, and Shadowmere was waiting for us. "You two go on and get to the Sanctuary! I'll deal with the Imperials!" I yelled over the roars. Gabriella was about to object, but I slapped Shadowmere's rear and he took off. An Imperial wrapped their arm around my throat, taking me by surprise. I clawed his eyes, and he let me go. I turned around and saw many more Imperials chasing after me. "Oh Sithis..." I mumbled as I narrowed my eyes. I ran through the forest, and they chased me. I stopped as I finally reached Whiterun. I heaved a breath and turned around. Nobody. Satisfied, I made my way to Ysolde, who was a close friend of mine. The guards let me pass after I told them about Helgen, and I dragged my feet through the city. Ysolde saw me, and ran over. "Are you okay? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need rest?" She bombarded me with questions. "Ysolde, can I please sleep at your place?" I managed to ask. "Yes, don't worry about Imperials. I'll keep them away." She said. I walked into her house and grabbed some bread. After eating it, I fell into the bed and fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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