Chapter 7

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A/N: I'll be trying different styles/ kinds in typing, just tell me if you get confused.
Also everything in this chapter is CANON since I put something you might not expect


Log: Day 4


•Azur Lane HQ

•Main Office

10:32 AM

Wales have called a meeting with the others about the espionage mission.

Enterprise:" Should we wait for the Queen?"

Wales:" Yes, this should be discussed with her majesty."

Enterprise:" Fine by me."

Otto:" This is gonna get awkward."

Wales:" Wonder what's taking them so long."

The door opened with Elizabeth, Warspite, Hood, Belfast and Illustrious

Wales:" Your majesty, please take a seat."

They sat on their chair thus stating that the meeting has started

Q.E:" What is this meeting about Wales?"

Wales:" We have received Sheffield's S.O.S signal."

Q.E:" So the espionage was a success, Why did you call me here? Can't you talk about this without me?"

Wales:" No your majesty, I figured that it would be proper if you would know of this considering you gave them a direct order.

Warspite:" She has a point your majesty."

Q.E:" And what is Sir Enterprise doing here?"

Enterprise:" Well I do wanted to help in the rescuing mission but it's fine if you don't want me to."

Q.E just stayed silent knowing she must've did something wrong

Enterprise:" Anyways, I have analysed the island and it's surroundings. They might be hiding somewhere where they can see a lot so the clock tower would be a good spot for this."

Enty:" How are you sure about their hiding spot?"

Enterprise:" Well I have my 2 little fox join your maids so I know where they'll be hiding."

Enterprise:" Continuing, We could send a group of small ships maybe 1 carrier 2 destroyers and 2 cruisers to flank here in the west and have a barrage fleet in the North to confuse them or we could just raid them with aircraft's since 'Mr.Mech" is coming with us."

Wales:" Good, But what if they spotted the flanking fleet?"

Otto:" Fog is too thick for them to see so deep into the fog unless they have thermal sight."

Hood:" I agree with that."

Otto:" Don't."

Zeppelin:" Well I see a few siren ships, maybe 50 of them
And I also see some shipgirls from Sakura Empire and .....

Q.E:" Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Zeppelin:" I have a drone flying in the island right now, and my nightmare has come true."

Otto:" You mean..."

Zeppelin:" Yes, There's also Ironblood ships and from what I can see Bismarck and Friedrich are there... This will be though."

Enterprise:" Friedrich huh... I wonder if she's as powerful as your father."

Zeppelin:" We can only hope not."

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