109. farewell dean thomas.

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She thrust what appeared to be a green onion, a large spotted toadstool, and a considerable amount of what looked like cat litter into Ron's hands, finally pulling out a rather grubby scroll of parchment that she handed to Harry.

"... I've been told to give you this."

It was a small roll of parchment, which Harry recognised at once as another invitation to a lesson with Dumbledore.

"Tonight," he told Antheia, Ron, and Hermione, once he had unrolled it.

"Nice commentary last match!" said Ron to Luna, as she took back the green onion, the toadstool, and the cat litter. Luna smiled vaguely.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you?" she said. "Everyone says I was dreadful."

"No, I'm serious!" said Ron earnestly. "I can't remember enjoying commentary more! What is this, by the way?" he added, holding the onionlike object up to eye-level.

"Oh, it's a Gurdyroot," she said, stuffing the cat litter and the toadstool back into her bag. "You can keep it if you like, I've got a few of them. They're really excellent for warding off Gulping Plimpies."

And she walked away, leaving Ron chortling, still clutching the Gurdyroot.

"You know, she's grown on me, Luna," he said, as they set off again for the Great Hall. "I know she's insane, but it's in a good –"

He stopped talking very suddenly. Lavender Brown was standing at the foot of the marble staircase looking thunderous.

"Hi," said Ron nervously.

"C'mon," Harry muttered to Antheia and Hermione, and they sped past, though not before they had heard Lavender say, "Why didn't you tell me you were getting out today? And why was she with you?"

Ron looked both sulky and annoyed when he appeared at breakfast half an hour later, and though he sat with Lavender, Harry did not see them exchange a word all the time they were together. Hermione was acting as though she was quite oblivious to all of this, but once or twice Harry saw an inexplicable smirk cross her face. All that day she seemed to be in a particularly good mood, and that evening in the common room she even consented to look over (in other words, finish writing) Harry's Herbology essay, something she had been resolutely refusing to do up to that point, because she had known that Harry would then let Ron copy his work.

"Why didn't you ask Antheia for help on this?" asked Hermione distractedly, her eyes shooting across the piece of parchment.

"She says she hates Herbology and can't stand to read more than she needs to on it," said Harry, chuckling. "She's so funny, isn't she?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows at him.

"Are you serious, Harry?" she snapped.

"What d'you mean?"

"'She's so funny'," mocked Hermione. "Ever since she broke up with Dean -"

"- only a few hours ago -"

"- you don't have an excuse not to ask her out!"

"What am I supposed to do?" asked Harry desperately. "I can't just go up to her and kiss her!"

"Why not?" asked Hermione, in a matter-of-fact tone.

Harry thought about this for a moment, and frowned.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't want what I want," said Harry quietly. "I mean, Hermione, what if she doesn't want to kiss me?"

Hermione started laughing, whilst Harry looked confusedly at her.

"Hermione, it's not funny -"

"But it is, Harry!" she cried. "You can't possibly believe she only thinks of you as a friend, such as Ron or me. Why do you think she broke up with Dean?"

Butterfly Effect ; H. PotterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ