21. nothing seems to stick without you baby

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Warning: smutty part towards the end



It's the last morning together for a while.
Waking up with Alex is one of my favorite things and it already doesn't come often as it is. I will miss it.
I'm laying half on him, half on the bed, cuddled up next to him, my head resting on his shoulder. We're still sweaty from some pre-coffee delight.
His lips, kissing mine tenderly, taste of the dirty things he just did to me.
I brush my fingers on his arm, envying his light peach fuzz on them. I have to wax. Life is unfair. On certain things at least; I don't feel like complaining about life at the moment. It's treating me pretty fairly.

I stop my hand on the spot where a ray of sun sneaking through the blinds creates a little shimmering line on his forearm. I run my finger slowly on his tattoo, on the letters forming his ex's name. I've been wanting to ask about it so many times, but I know it's a touchy subject for him.
He notices my touch lingering on it.
"It's probably time for it to go," He comments.
"Whatever you feel like, babe."
"I'll take care of it when I'll have a chance."

His alarm didn't malfunction this time. Not too long ago, I sneaked under the sheets and he woke up and lifted the covers with a smirk, only to find me kneeled down working on him.
"Good morning to you too...!" he husked with his eyes still half open.
He lifted up on his elbow, watching me with his head tilted. He closed his eyes for a second parting his lips as I went deeper on him.
"Who's gonna wake me up the next few weeks?" He asked, breathy, raking my hair back from my forehead and keeping his hand on my head.
I let him go like I would with a lollipop. "Nobody, I hope!" My frowning face made him smile.

We stop to have dinner all together once back in LA. A night of relax before the hectic leg of the tour in Europe.
"I hope you don't have to go right away." Alex says as we all get up to leave.
"Not just yet, but I have to start heading to San Diego soon, babe." My face gets pouty.
I have an important meeting at work tomorrow morning. I can't be late and I need to be fresh. There's not much I can do about that, I just have to go and it kills me.
Alex brings his fist to his heart, making a dramatic expression of pain.
"Come to mine's, just for a bit. For a cuppa."
"That I can do."

We sit at the kitchen counter talking, waiting for the kettle to whistle. We had enough alcohol this weekend, so he's fixing some tea.
I love hanging with him in the kitchen. These are the moments I prefer with him. When he's strapped of the rockstar clothes and persona(s) and he's just his real self. I watch him with a smile as he fills the tea cups, all focused in what he's doing.
"We should cook together one day. You could teach me summat," he says all of a sudden, like he was hearing my thoughts. Or maybe he was having the same thoughts. Maybe these are his favorite moments also.
"I'd love that."
He raises his eyes and shines a little smile before going back to the tea cups.
"Are you sure you want to do that with an Italian? We can be quite patronizing when it comes to cooking!"
"I can take it." He serves me my cup and sits right across from me with his.

"So, I was talking to our tour manager. I think we have like three days off at the end of May. Perhaps I can fly back."
"You'd come here for like, one day and a half and then go back?"
"I did that before for less important things. Why wouldn't I do it for you? I'd do the moon and back twice easy just to kiss half of your mouth."
I take his hand in mine, smiling.

"That's sweet baby, but it's too much. You're crazy."
"That's all my pals are telling me..."
"And they're right!" I sigh. "Even if you do it, I have work and even if that day I call in sick or something, we will only have maybe 24 hours together in total...and that would be such a hassle for you to cross half the world, two times, for 24 hours. I feel stressed out for you just thinking about it!"
"Right..." Alex runs both his hands though his hair, blowing his cheeks out in frustration.
"We'll have to just wait until Italy. Fuck this."

Nothing You've Come To Expect - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now