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Third person's POV

"The woman in the car named Aika Moon was announced dead..."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Moon lost their mind as they heard the news. No tears. They felt weak and fell on the ground as those words keep repeating on their mind.

"Mom, w-what happened?" Fritz asked as he hurriedly ran downstairs "Mom, Dad! Are you-"

"A-Aika is gone" his Dad whispered

"Aika? What do you mean? What do you guys mean? That's impossible" Fritz said

Everyone in the house wouldn't believe the news but as soon as Aika's pic was flashed in the news... They became quiet and started crying. Only cries and her name can be heard in the house

"Aika!" his Mom shouted and cried even more


"The woman in the car named Aika Moon was announced dead..."

Yaz dropped her phone as she saw the news. Her eyes started getting teary and she can't even feel anything. She froze.

"Yaz, food is ready" her Mom called

"Why are you crying?" Mr. Hwang asked as he saw Yaz

"A-Aika... She is gone" she whispered

"What do you mean?" her Mom

Yaz was just staring at the news of the accident as tears keep falling from her eyes. Her Mom and Dad were both shocked as they saw Aika's picture flashed on the news. No words came out. Only tears started falling.

Mrs. Hwang lost her strength and fell on the floor "A-Aika"

Mr. Hwang hurriedly called Hyunjin's number but no one is answering the call. They became worried even more knowing that Hyunjin can't be contact.


Meanwhile, Hyunjin can't even cry as he got in Chan's car. Chan drove the car to the hospital, same goes to his friends. Elara keep crying even Yujeon who became close to Aika.

Everyone is not on their right mind. The news shocked them and they don't want to believe anything unless they see it themselves.

"Fuck! Please! Answer the call!" Yujeon shouted and keep calling Aika's phone

No answer.

In Chan's car, Hyunjin can't even move. His eyes were fixed to his last message to Aika. Hoping that she will answer it with what he was expecting.

A few minutes after...

Aika calling...

"Hello?! Aika?! Are you okay?! Where are-"

[Sir, I am a nurse from K**** Hospital. I called to tell you that Ms. Aika Moon was announced dead]

Hyunjin dropped his phone. He started crying. He is slowly losing hope. How can his life be so unfair? Of all the people, why Aika? The woman he love?

They arrived at the hospital, they all rushed to the front desk and asked for Aika's room name. The nurse gave it to them, they even took the stairs, they don't want to waste any seconds.

Finally, they are in front of Aika's room.

Yujeon rushed inside with tears falling from his eyes. He then saw Aika's body covered in white cloth, eyes were closed.

"A-Aika" he whispered and started crying again

Hyunjin is standing at the door looking at Aika. He can't move nor talk. He keep covincing himself that she is alive but no. His eyes can't even lie. His tears betrayed him.

He started walking towards Aika with heavy steps and shattered heart. He finally saw her face up close. She is not alive anymore. She is gone.

"N-No, this is not true. She is alive. This can't be. She said she will.take care of herself" he whispered

"She is gone" Yujeon said

Those words triggered Hyunjin. He went to Yujeon and pushed him with all his might.

"Do you even know what you are saying!? She is gone?! Are you fucking kidding me?! We are having a child! She won't let anything bad happen to her!" he shouted

"Don't foold yourself. Look at her! She is not alive!" Yujeon angrily said and tears started falling again "She won't come back anymore. She is gone. She left you. Stop hurting yourself"

Yujeon left the room.

Hyunjin was left dumb founded. He then looked at Aika's face. She is really gone. She left him.

"Why?" he whispered

He started crying out loud and while hugging Aika.

His loud screams and cries can be heard outside the room. Everyone started crying and trying to gather their strength to see Aika themselves but they can't even step inside.

"Tell me this is a joke" Elara told Yujeon who just stepped out of the room "Please"

"She left us. She promised she won't but she betrayed us all" he whispered and started walking away with tears falling from his eyes

A police arrived carrying the things that Aika left, that was found in her car. They handed it to Hyunjin even thought they can't talk to him properly.

"Sir, I think you should see her phone. I think she was about to tell you something before the accident" the police said and left

Hyunjin took the phone and looked at the messages. He is the last sender. He opened the draft messages. There, he saw it.

To: Hyunjin (saved as draft)

I love you more than you do. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I guess Dad was right when he said "When you found the right one, you'll wait no matter how long it takes" I did. We waited for each other. I guess happy endings do exists.  Everything is worth it. I love you. Let's be together, my annoying boss.

"I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes, just come back" his tears fell

There is no such thing like happy ending... No matter how long, one must leave and one will be left behind.

She said.

Indeed, there is no happy ending.

She left.

She proved it.

There is really no happy ending...

Still, he believes there is.

...And he will wait for her, to have their happy ending.


End of My Annoying Boss

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