Family History

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Kevin went to his second day of school, he has hope that he would make some friends. Kevin walked into math class, then someone bumped into him on purpose.

Kevin: Hey Man, you just bumped into me for no reasons.

Unnamed Boy: Ok? What are you going to do about this?

Kevin: You are kidding right? I'm not going to fight a random person for no reasons, So just get out of my way now!

(Pushes Kevin against a locker, Kevin Punches the boy in face then knee him in his stomach.)

Kevin: That's what you get for messing with me.

(The boy punches Kevin in his face, Then Kevin eye color changes to orange and black. He grabbed him and slammed him into a locker.)

Kevin: That's what you get.

Jessica: Zach, did you see his eyes? They just changed colors for something reason when he was threatened.

Zach: For some reason, I have been noticing that about the Knights Family, since they have been very aggressive a lot, when I was a human. We should ask Jake.

Jessica: Yes, we should ask him, since he is a supernatural hunter.

Jessica and Zach decided to go to The Williams's Family house to ask about the Knights family.

Zach: Hello Jake, could you help us shine some light on the Knights family please old friend?

Jake: Well I might know a couple things. Wait all 4 of us are from the 5 of the founding families, how come you didn't try to figure it out?

Jessica: Well because a couple of families members have been members of the brotherhood of five, and you guys always know about supernatural stuff.

Jake: Well I have learned that Zach is from a vampire bloodline, and Jessica is from a family of witches. Which I thought didn't exist and I thought they were fictional.

Jessica: Well besides the vampires, witches and supernatural Hunters. What else?

Jake: The Lycanthrope.

Jessica: Wait werewolves exist??

Zach: No way, impossible. Werewolves doesn't exist at all, and if they did. Where the hell are they?

Jessica: Besides, if werewolves existed. Then they would hurt any vampires at will.

Jake: Jessica and Zach, who do you think was responsible for getting rid of the vampires before Zach and his family were turned?

Jessica: The founding families?

Jake: Spearheaded by?

Zach: The Knights.

Jessica: So if Kevin and his father are werewolves, which means they will hunt down any vampires in New Orleans right?

Jake: Well according to legend, werewolf bite can kill a vampire, and the werewolves can age slower because they will transform a lot to hunt down any vampires at any means necessary.

Zach: So, if werewolves keep going in their wolf forms, they will basically never age??!

Jake: I'm not sure but I heard the werewolf gene runs in different families across the world, and if they can kill one person then they become a official werewolf forever.

Jessica: Hey guys, remember when Mr Devin and his brother named Chris killed people in the war at the time?

Zach: So that's means they are werewolves right now, and if Kevin kill someone he will become a werewolf as well. Wait, can werewolves control their transformations?

Jake: They can change at will, if they have moonlight rings or they inherited it from their ancestors that was able to turn without a full moon.

Zach: That's means me and my sister family are screwed.

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