The Mall |Teaser|

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I am really sorry I haven't updated guys. My exams, homework and school are getting in the way of my Wattpad life. PS- I MADE REYNA SINGLE BECAUSE I DUNNO I MIGHT WANT SOME LEICO ACTION IN THIS.  TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!


Leo Valdez exhaled deeply and rubbed his creased forehead in annoyance.  Currently, Percy Jackson- Leo's personal therapist and Diary (Pfft! If Nico can have Jason as a therapist than I can have Jackson!) when they were adventuring on the Argo II was drooling in the seat next to him, his eyes screwed shut as he slept. (What is it with him for Fates sake?!) Tony wasn't there with them- he said that he was going on a date with Pepper but Leo sworn he heard Bruce mutter; "or he's gone to get some booze and party". Bruce couldn't be with them, unfortunately,  he admitted that he had to do something for Fury which cannot and will not  be denied. So yeah. Bummer.

Natasha and Piper were quarrelling quietly  about which way to beat a bly up- back flipping them onto the floor until their spine fractures or squeeze their pressure point so hard that they get paralysed and fall into a coma. (IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?! IF IT IS THEN GET ME AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THESE LUNATICS!!!)

Leo shuddered.

Steve and Nico - having that deep and heart-felt bromance - were sharing old memories they remember from their original time. Steve was talking about his daring adventures whilst Nico talked about his childhood in a house during the War.

Thalia as well couldn't come.  (*sigh * what is it with people's timetable nowadays?! How long have I been dead for?) Apparently (*cue thunder*) Artemis desired Thalia to accompany the Hunt in their new set target in the "Open and Wild" (Or whatever. I bet what they actually do is kidnap boys from the Camps and castrate them. Then, feast on their eyeballs during the Campfire sing-a-long)

Frank and Clint were having a boastful stare off.  Frank was absentmindly nodding to whatever Hazel was gossiping about.

Annabeth and Reyna were talking solemnly with serious faces. Annabeth was sending longing looks at Leo's Diary and Reyna's eyes darting to Nico's Therapist. 

Leo sniggered. 

Jason and Leo were having a thumb wrestle. (Which I won fair and square! So bog off Grace!)

Without noticing they were puffing out their chests, Thor and Posideon were showing off which World was better. Leo could hear Thor huff and Posideon give a short cackle which shot him odd looks.

They were driving in this limo thingie Tony had ordered- albeit with a lot of begging from the Mcshizsle the first.

Finally, eventually, satisfyingly- they were at the Mall. It gleamed in the Saturday Summer beam of Apollo.

Leo was so frustrated with Percy drooling on his shoulder that he grabbed the nearby waterbottle and splashed the water onto the Jackson's exhausted face.

(I must admit that was not the best highlight of the day but- who cares?)

Bad idea.

Anyway!  Annabeth was chewing on her already gnawed lip and blew the locks of yellow out of her eyes in irritation.  She kicked the marble tiles with her scruffy sneakers, murmuring words to herself. 

Leo could faintly hear: "We... gotta... out... before... arrive... Percy... Fates... Gah!"

"Annie?" He whispered as they fell behind the group who were laughing and chatting together like they had known each other forever, " What's wrong? Look if you're annoyed with the new deodorant I put on- don't blame me! The advert said it could attract anyone so...-"

"Leo!" She exploded,  snapping her fingers sharply in front of his face like bringing him back to reality,  "Something will go wrong!"


Annabeth took a deep, shaky breath, "When I woke up, there was a note on the mirror next to my bed"

"What did it say?"

"It said... It said:

Either bring him back or we will take him"


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Plan z94 (Sequel to Broken)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin