chapter 2

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~noah's pov~
it's 2:00 and the adults and max are outside making a video about the ballpit balls in the pool.
bryce- cover maxs ears i cover my sons ears
bryce- this is the f*ckin stupid sh*t we have done.
i uncover maxs ears
josh- yeah now we have to clean them out.
avani- what don't we get a ball pit for the kiddos then put them in their
max- BALL PIT!
we laugh.
dixie- avani!
blake- they literally get everything.
griffin- no whitney gets everything
we all look at josh.
he puts his hands up in defense- im not the one that bought her two cars!
me- true true
we start playing in the pool with all the balls
after about 15 minutes josh gets ou
josh- i gotta get ready to go to the schools to pick up the boys.
kio- your daughter is also asleep
ant- no way joshua kenneth richards forgot about his angel.
josh- i didn't im deciding to leave her or wake her up. she's gonna be hungry. since she went to bed at 12:30 without any lunch.
bryce- just leave her we will feed her.
josh- okay thanks guys
he goes into the house
avani squeals- time with my favorite girl!!
amelie squeals- she's the cutest
dixie squeals- i haven't got to hug her yet.
kio- uh oh boys baby fever
girls- no no more.
i sigh in relief
bryce- why don't we pull a prank on josh.
griffin- with whitney? he would absolutely kill us. let's do it.
blake- what kind of prank?
amelie- y'all lost her or she fell.
kio- ask her what she wants to do
me- yeah we will do that when she wakes up.
15 minutes later josh left so he could be early
whitney- dada
over the baby monitor josh brought outside so we could not forget her.
griffin- oh no.
kio- she always says dada
avani- i'll go get her
avani runs inside before we can yes or no.
~avanis pov~
i love this little girl she is my niece after all
i ran up to her room to see her standing up holding the railing with messy hair she looks adorable. see i couldn't have kids but i adopted ash and alex when they were 2 weeks old. i love them more than anything. but i got to see whitney be born, josh didn't wanna see nessa so right when whitney was ready to be held i walked into another room and handed her to josh. from that moment on josh fell in love with her and i treat her like she's my daughter without having to do the punishment parts anyways when i see whitney josh left her in the same outfit i put her in just took off her air forces and sunglasses
me- hey there beautiful
she giggles- vani!!
aww shes so cute
me- let's get your pull up changed and hair fixed baby
i change her and then put her hair in cute braids into pigtails.
me- let's go downstairs okay princess
whitney- bruder home? (brother)
me- not yet baby
whitney- otay
we go downstairs and everyone had stopped playing in the ball pit pool.
~whitney's pov~
vani tarry me down da stairs to the kitchen she gives me tome dino nuggies, i eat free (three)
(avani, carry's, the, some)
den we go to da wiving room (then we go to the living room)
ryce- there's the princess
mlie- you're so cute babes
me- tank you
ixie- you look so pretty
me- tank you ixie
i see j-od (jrod) with da tamera (camera)
me- j-od vani see.
j-od smiles- hey baby
vani- yea i see him babes
max- daddy look whitney awake i can
be louder now
oah- yes bubs you can
he starts playing with his race cars
ryce- hey princess wanna prank dada cause he's not here
me- yea pwank (prank) dada pwank dada
everybody waughs (laugh)
ryce- thats my girl
he grabs me from avani
oah- so whitney you wanna be hurt or do you wanna be missing
me- me no (dont) wanna be hwurt (hurt)
io- okay then you are gonna hide with dixie
me- otay ixie
i make grabby hands to her.
she grabs me we go to car and pway songs and she dave (gave) me a soft fishy, i wove (love) it
me- tank you for fishy
dixie- you're welcome baby.
i give her a hug then we listen to more music.
~bryce's pov~
dixie and whitney go to dixie's car
blake- she is adorable
amelie- i know im bought to actually steal her from josh.
me- anyways party animals yall just saw that and josh is gonna freak out we are gonna act like she hasn't woke up yet. he's gonna go check on her and then freak out.
about 3 minutes later
the boys come running through the door.
alex- hey mommy!!
ash- mommy me and alex are in the same class! and we had a cookie at school today!
avani- that's awesome hey my babies
she gives them a hug. a few seconds later brax comes through the door
brax- max!!!
max- BRAX!
they give eachother a hug and start talking
that's so cuteeee
josh comes in carrying 3 book bags and lunch boxes
i laugh at him
josh flips me off and mouths f*ck you.
josh is my bestfriend or little brother i'm 26 and he's 24. i love that guy to death.
he puts the bags on the hooks amelie got to organize the kids school stuff. or some sh*t
josh- hey jrod
jrod- hey bro we are doing a vlog
josh- am i not invited
me- yea you are it's just a day in the life so i'm putting that part where you flipped me off in there.
josh rolls his eyes and then looks around the room- where's my princess?
kio- she hasn't woke up yet.
blake- i went up there about 20 minutes ago and she was passed out.
josh- im gonna go check on her
he goes up the steps
luckily we put a camera up there so
~josh's perspective~
i go up to whitney's room and don't see her in her crib
me- princess? ... angel? ... whitney!
i run downstairs
everyone looks worried
Bryce confused- what do you mean?
brax- daddy what's wrong
"don't worry him josh"
me- nothin bubba just stressed.
kio- where is she?
me- she could have gotten out, or kidnapped or i don't know what.
bryce- josh you gotta relax pacing back and forth isn't doing anything
blake- we will find her but you can't be freaking out okay.
me- what if we dont?
noah- josh she probably got out and heard max screaming and got scared maybe she hid somewhere.
me- maybe
i run upstairs and start looking for her
after about 10 minutes me jrod, bryce have the top floor
and everyone split up.
we go downstairs and i sit on the couch and put my hands in my face
??- dada
i look up and see my favorite girl in the world running towards me
i get off the couch and pick her up and kiss all over her face a million times it feels like
~whitney's pov~
dada kisses my face awll (all) oter (over)
i giggle- dada silly no
dada- where were you baby
he hugs me weally (really) twight (tight)
oah- josh it was a prank
ixie- she was in the car with me the whole time
dada wooks me in da eyes- where you in on this baby
i nod giggling
he titles (tickles me)
me- stoppp dada
he stops and puts me on the floor.
dada- y'all are luck she's so cute or is be pissed
ryce- she was look prank dada prank dada
me- shhh ryce shh
dada- you wanted to prank me huh
me- you weft (left) and no here
dada- fine that's fair
i see brax pwaying (playing) with max with da wace (race) cars and wun (run) to him
i dive (give)him a hug
brax- hey sissy
he hugs me back
me- bubba home io wook my bruder home
~braxs pov~
my sissy is 3 years younger than me. so that means i have to protect her. i love her but she can be soooo annowying. daddy says i'm really smart for a 5 year old and i'm his favorite boy.
daddy loves me very much and he says even though he shows more attention to sissy that doesn't mean he loves me less it just because she's still little and can't do stuff on her own like i can. im a big boy. my sissy gets all the attention sometimes but she is the only little girl and is not very good with things yet. she can't even say things right. Oh also her birthday was october 10th
sissy gave me a hug and now she's still hugging me and telling kio that i'm home.
sissy- bubba home io wook my bruder home
kio- i see that baby.
he takes a picture of us

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