Chapter one

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I walked into the hospital looking really worried after being called to come over from school.
On getting there I hurriedly got into the waiting room,I saw my boss and his family crying uncontrollably,I've never seen a man weep over his own mistakes as I saw him do that today,I walked up to him to ask him what happened to him but couldn't hear a word he said as he was mumbling.

I quickly walked over to his younger brother and his family and asked them what was going on and they told me that Laura was dead,for a brief second I felt my whole body go numb,I stood still as tears freely left my eyes,I couldn't believe a cheerful and lively girl that always took my breath away was no more,i clutched onto my cloth as I felt my heart stopped racing,I held myself from screaming,I couldn't handle the pain I felt in my heart as I looked aimlessly for a chair to hold my weight,the pain was excruciating and honestly it was out of the world, I haven't seen her in months but I made sure I always video called home to check up on me.

I turned to see her Aunt Mabel rolling and weeping like a baby,the sight of the whole family mourning their child made me even more sad and horrified.

Eight years earlier

It wasn't always like this,it was never this way,I started working for the Thompson's when I was freshly out of Secondary school,I was a teenager with dreams and aspirations but I lacked the fund to sponsor myself and so did my family,I grew up in a home full of struggles and survival of the fittest,I worked at different organizations as either a salesperson,a receptionist,a cashier or a cleaner,but I hoped this one would be the very one that changes my life forever as I wore my worn out pink floral dress in preparation for the interview I had by 12 noon that day,I submitted my cover letter attached to my curriculum Vitae a week earlier and received a call for an interview,that was a dream come true for me since I had almost exhausted my little saving.

And yes it was going to be that one,I remember getting a call from Mrs Thompson one beautiful evening telling me that the interview I went for has been reviewed and I've being found fit for the job, since I had the right experience and requirements and that I could resume work the next day.

I couldn't contain my joy as I walked home from the supermarket where I went to buy my body lotion,I was practically jumping up with joy,I finally got home and told my Mom the Goodnews,she was happy for me that one would think she was the one who got the job.

I resumed work by 6am the next day,the family was so receptive and calm,I always had a mental note on what a mansion was supposed to look like but on getting into their house that mental note was upgraded immediately.

I'ld show you around,just drop your bag on this sofa,and follow me Mr Thompson said so welcoming as he stood up to give me a tour around his home

Here is the kitchen,i'ld do all the cooking  or my wife would do it and you'ld take care of the kitchen's cleanliness or neatness,you have to pay attention to details he reminded me,keep the house clean,mop the floor every single day,and take care of my daughter whenever I'm away at work, I wondered why I had to be the one taking care of his child when his wife was still around,but got my questions answered in due time.

I nodded as he gave me a detailed tour round the 7 bedroom duplex.i took detailed notes of all the things I was asked to do and not to do.

He walked back into the sitting room and told me to sit down,then I sat down on an expensive fur cushion as he asked me what he should pay me,I was speechless and wanted to scream for joy,I've never had anyone ask me such a sensitive question before,so I shyly told him anything would be fine,he started laughing so loudly and hard,since I was confused I just sat still blinking and trying my best to catch the joke and not look too nervous cause I was almost shaking.

So you mean to tell me if I paid you 1000 naira you'ld not complain he asked still laughing,I just smiled and nodded and he asked me how old I was I told him my age almost whispering.

You're almost an adult then he said and I nodded.

I'ld pay you twenty thousand naira for a start but with time i'ld increase it if you show me that you're worthy of an increase he finally said smiling from ear to ear.

I just nodded as I felt my heart skip a beat,I have never being paid that much for so little a job,I stood up thanking him countless times before going to resume my work schedule.

He walked into his room and came out looking different from who I saw earlier,he had his senator on and a really fancy but very expensive black suede Chelsea boots on,I know you're wondering how I know my shoes,remember I told you I worked as a sales person once? Yes that's how I got to know.

I'm going for a meeting now he informed me,my wife and daughter should be back at 3pm and I expect you to be ready to open the gate since Yousef (the gatekeeper) travelled,come and open the gate for me he instructed.

Some hours later:

I heard a loud car honk outside the gate,I went to one of the windows to check who it was,and it was Mrs Thompson and her daughter,I hurriedly went to open the gate for them.

Welcome Ma,I greeted prostrating.

Thank you my dear,how are you? she asked.

I'm fine Ma,would you want me to take anything inside??

Yeah I bought some yams and it's inside my boot,i'ld love if you take them inside for me.

Ok ma,I replied obediently.
Her daughter offered to help me even with her uniform on,I smiled and told her Thanks and asked her to go get changed but she insisted on helping.

I had to ask her mom's permission before I lose my job on the very first day.

She rolled her eyes as she asked me if it was her daughter's job to do things like that around the house,I apologized and told the little girl not to bother but asked her to keep me company if she really wanted to help,and she jumped up with happiness.

My name is Laura tho she said as I started to carry the groceries in the paper bag upstairs,well I'm Toyinsin but you can call me Toyin,I smiled back at how outspoken she was.

I'ld call you Aunty Toyin,that's much better right? She questioned.

Yes it is,I said giggling.

By the time I was done clearing the groceries,Mrs Thompson was in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner for her family and I decided to help Laura out with her assignment.

Can I help you out with that? I asked walking into the sitting room.

Yes please,I'm suffering here she replied making funny faces at me.

She looks so adorable I noticed,ok so what are you working on??? I asked.

I was given an assignment on quantitative reasoning and Verbal reasoning.

I sat down close to her as I helped her solve and work together with her on her assignment,you're really a smart girl Laura,I mean how old are you?

I'm eight years old,and thanks for your compliment she responded.

I was glad I started on a good foot with the Thompson's.

I looked at the time and found out it was time for me to take my leave.

I told the whole family goodbye as I took my bag and left their house.

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