Chapter One - Do It For Your Bestie

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"Come on Y/n! Pleaseeee I don't wanna be the only black girl on the cheer team again, plus your really flexible, there's no gymnastics team and you need to be in a sport!" Ashido begged, reluctant to just let it go.

"Mimi, I ain't really the RARA school spirit typa female. I don't wanna deal with snotty white girls, plus them football and basketball teams probably suck." Y/n denied once again. Ashido has been begging Y/n to join the cheer team with her for the whole summer since middle school let out, it's a New year now and like Ashido mentioned, there is no gymnastics team at UA private school. Gymnastics was what Y/n had been in since Pre-k but this year there weren't enough applications to make a team.

"Okay okay but listen! This years first years in the football team are amazing! I went to see the tryouts last week and there's a bunch of hot freshman joining the team this year! And you said you don't like snotty brats right? The members of the team vote for the captain a week into practices! Momo is joining the team!"

Alright well that's a game changer. A good team and a good captain we're two requirements that had to be checked off if Y/n was going to try out for the shitty cheer team. Mina could see the wheels in Y/n's head turning; she was aware all she had to do was push a little more in order to get the girl to agree. But she had to think, if she said the wrong thing it could ruin the whole flow of how this was going and she might get a no once again.

"Come on Y/n! Do it for your best friend! I promise it will be fun?" She begged, not letting up. Down on her knees at Y/n's feet with her lip poked out. Y/n had a mental debate; life was about experiences right? Maybe this could be fun. Plus she couldn't let her best friend down.

"Alright alright it ain't that deep get up!" Y/n finally gave in, crossing her arms and looking away from her childish friend.

"YAY! Thank you Jesus! Let's go!" Ashido cheered, dragging Y/n by her wrist down the hallway to go talk to the coach. Y/n could already feel herself regretting this, but once Mina has an idea in her head, it ain't goin nowhere. "It'll be so much fun! We'll dance and cheer and laugh! Make more friends on the team! Talk to cute boys! Yes; freshman year is ours!" Mina danced around the hallways like a child on steroids. Y/n was just glad to see her happy.

Coaches Office
"Ah you must be Y/n L/n and Mina Ashido." The coach knew them both instantly. "I'm coach Midnight, tryouts are after school! 4pm ladies don't be late!" She chimed smiling at the two girls. "Wait wait, run that shit back- You already signed us up??" Y/n questioned Mina, quirking an eye brow. "Anyways! Thanks Coach we'll see you at tryouts!" Mina squealed before skipping out the locker room with Y/n in her grasp, completely ignoring the question.

Y/n rolled her eyes, Mina knew her friend was gonna eventually say yes from the beginning. She just begged desperately in order to get her official answer quicker. It's scary how well Ashido knew Y/n, although looking back on they're history together it wasn't to surprising.

First period was starting soon and both Mina and Y/n had they're schedules pulled up on they're phones. They compared them with each other to find out they both had a majority of the same classes, probably because they prepared they're schedules together to make sure they did.

"Y/n this will be so much fun! Aren't you excited?? We bout to get to dance and cheer. Girl I can't wait!" Ashido chimed jumping on Y/n's back in attempt to make her forget about what had just happened. Y/n caught her letting out a small groan from the sudden weight on her body. "Yeah yeah, but you not slick with that cheerleading sign up." Y/n lectured her. "If you loved me you wouldn't be mad." Mina insisted with a cheeky smile, knowing damn well she was in fact, slick.

Y/n rolled her eyes, slightly bouncing to hoist Mina higher up on her back, holding her thighs to keep her in place. "Girl! You know I saw this cute red head earlier?? He was hot and he came to talk to me while I was at the vending machine this morning! He had this irritated blonde with him too, they seemed almost as close as you and me. I think he said his name was Kiri- ..Kirishima! Ain't that cute?? I'm most definitely getting his number next time I see him." Mina blabbered on as her and Y/n made they're way to class. It was gonna be a long year, but it was definitely gonna be the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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