"I just hope (H/n) comes back. It has never been as hectic as it is now. It's sad to know that people didn't realize their importance until now."

"No way... That (H/n) person's gone MIA?"

"(H/n) had been seen as a vigilante for a long while after their first appearance," a female officer's voice said, the news cutting to a clip of (H/n) swinging about. "And while the NYPD had and still does have their sights set on finding out the face behind the mask, there's been a widespread realization of their importance. As much as they were referred to as a vigilante, there have been very few occasions where (H/n) broke the law to save the lives of the people of New York. That in itself is an aspect that many overlook about them."

"Many wonder where this hero could have gone. Just where has this knight in shining armor gone and are they ever coming back?"


"You think maybe they've gotten tired of hero stuff?" Betty asked. "I mean, it can't be easy saving people all the time."

"Well, yeah. That (H/n) person's probably witnessed a lot more traumatic things than we could ever imagine."

"It sounds like a burden if you ask me," Isai said with a sigh. "To constantly have to worry about other people. Getting blamed if you couldn't make it in time. It all sounds like a huge pain."

M/n continued to stare at his mostly-full plate, listening to the others talk. They were all making very good points and it wasn't like he hadn't thought of all of that before. Their voices sort of began to fade the further that he got lost in thoughts.

"What do you think, M/n?"

M/n was surprised at suddenly being called on, immediately broken away from his thoughts. He looked toward everyone. "What?"

"What do you think happened to (H/n)?"

The (h/c)-haired boy wasn't quite sure how to answer. "Uh, well... I guess... Maybe they quit being a hero? It doesn't seem like a job just anybody could do."

Lyn nodded. "I get it, but... at the same... I hope they make a comeback. I mean, (H/n) seems like a cool hero, right?"

The conversation continued on about (H/n), M/n eventually having enough. He got up from his seat and headed back to his room, the others not noticing. He sat by his window, being careful with the area around his abdomen. He looked at all the colors painted in the sky. 

From bright orange to lavender purple. There was a feeling of longing residing in him. With each passing day, he was gradually forgetting small bits and pieces of his adventure with his friends. Each day, he thought of how he could see Miles again. But, it all seemed useless.

He sighed, fiddling with the small pillow beside him. Faintly, he could hear his friends and sister still talking. But, he drowned them out. His hand moved away from the pillow and toward the lock on his window. He carefully opened it, letting the breeze in. Since having to stay in due to the healing of his injury, he hadn't been able to swing through the buildings of New York.

I'm stuck here...

He reminisced the moments when he would feel the wind rush against his body as he swung freely through the sky. The adrenaline he felt during fights. 

"I just hope (H/n) comes back. It has never been as hectic as it is now."

"I guess... Maybe they have quit being a hero? It doesn't seem like a job just anybody could do."

"You think maybe they've gotten tired of hero stuff? I mean, it can't be easy saving people all the time."

I have, at times... But when I think about it... No one else comes to mind when I ask myself who I'd rather lay this burden on. It's because I'm the one bearing the burden that I even met Noir, Penny, Peter, Ham, Gwen, and Miles...

𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙿𝙸𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴Where stories live. Discover now