Part 7/10

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"I didn't even notice you were in this class, little cutie! You should've told me sooner!" Oikawa exclaimed once the teacher let us start on some busywork after a short demonstration.

I just rolled my eyes at the brunette, pushing up my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

"Oh, I didn't know you wore glasses, either! Are they real or just decorative?" He inquired.

"Oh, these? Yeah, they're just an accessory. I'm borrowing them from a friend. I am actually supposed to be wearing real glasses, I just don't much." I replied nonchalantly.

"Really now? Well believe it or not, I too, have to wear glasses. At least when I'm not playing volleyball. That's when I wear contacts. Without them I'm as blind as a bat." He said with a chuckle.

"So you have your contacts in right now? Neat." I said, looking into his chocolate brown irises. I could see the clear outline of the contacts just around the outside. But that's when I got distracted and lost myself entirely in his gaze.

"Uh Mads-chan? Helloooo? Your staring is creeping me out!" Oikawa voiced with an awkward laugh.

I snapped out of my trance and shook my head, looking away and filled with embarrassment.
"I- sorry, I was just trying to look at your contacts. A friend of mine wears contacts too." I said nervously, just trying to clear the air.

"Oh, you wanted to look at them? Well you could've just said so! Hang on a sec..."

It was quiet for a moment, so I turned back around to face the brunette and was met with the awkward sight of him peeling at his eyeball with his finger, trying to get the contact unstuck from the surface of his eyeball.
He rolled his eye backwards, peeling down his lower eyelid with one finger and trying to pinch at the thin layer of plastic with another two.

I grimaced slightly, trying to stifle a laugh as the contact came out of the brunette's eye and fell onto the floor.

"Oh shit, I dropped it!" He said with a grunt of frustration. He immediately dropped down to the floor, trying to find the clear plastic dome that would be nearly impossible to find.

I decided to be helpful, so I knelt to the ground and helped Oikawa try to find his contact.

I fumbled around aimlessly until I saw something glossy out of the corner of my eye. The contact.

"Found it!" I said, reaching for the contact.

"Oh, found it!" Oikawa said at the same time and also reached his hand towards the shiny plastic.

That's when our hands awkwardly tocuhed, clasped over one another in the act of trying to grab at the clear plastic.

"Oh, shit....sorry." I said, drawing my hand back quickly.

Oikawa only chuckled in amusement, muttering something to himself, though  I couldn't hear what he said. He picked up the contact and stood up. I did the same

"I'll be right back, I have to get another disposable contact from my locker. Thanks for your help!" The brunette said cheerfully, ruffling my hair. I scowled slightly at his actions but answered with a "You're welcome."

Little did I know there was someone watching our every move from nearby.
-Timeskip to lunch-

I found my way to my locker and put my books inside, getting ready for lunch. I grabbed the money I had brought for the cafeteria and went on my way to meet up with Chloe and Tyler.

I stood in the lunch line, my eyes briefly scanning the room for my friends. I spotted them at a table in the corner, chatting away when I suddenly saw Oikawa come and sit down across from the two of them. Tyler visibly rolled her eyes and I laughed. Chlo was beside her trying to hold in her amusement.

The art of cliché romantic scenarios in a high school setting // t. oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now