This Chapter Is All Over The Place

365 19 8

One thing before we begin, arm circles are no joke. I did an ungodly amount of them as a warmup before doin' my actual athletics, like stabbing(Specifically kneecaps). 

People might be out of character 'cause I'm kinda stupid-


"Tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit!" Technoblade yelled while pointing a Kel-Tec PMR 30 at a mushroom. He stood in the middle of a clearing it looked like a place straight out of some fantasy book. There was a single red and white mushroom in the center, which he was currently threatening. 

"Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters." The mushroom spoke back, or more accurately a voice sounded around him in the clearing, but Techno could only assume it was the mushroom. 

"I'M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU" Technoblade cocked the gun as he spoke, tears streaming down his face. 

And then he woke up. 

He was in the clearing again, this time however, there was no mushroom. Only him, but he was slightly shorter and there was someone sitting next to him. 

It was Dream, but his hair was shorter, and he was wearing a letterman jacket, he did still have a mask but this one lacked the smiley face on his current one. 

"Hey Dream, do you know what the fuck that meant?" Techno found himself asking. 

"Decay exists as an extant form of life," Was the terrifying reply. 

"Oh yeah, thanks, have a nice day," Techno told the dreamt Dream in a daze. 

Then he woke up for real, covered in sweat and screaming. 

"OH MY GOD! DAD ARE YOU OKAY!?" He heard a voice yell from his right. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... 'm fine," He grumbled seeing all of his children standing around him. 

"What happened?" He looked at Ranboo and rubbed his eyes. 

"Just a dream, a really weird dream." The boys nodded simultaneously and went back to what they were previously doing. Tommy stopped in the doorway and turned back to him. 

"Wait, what was it about?" 

"Uhhhh- a mushroom sayin' cryptic things while I threatened it with a gun and then I was a high schooler again sittin' in a field with Dream, but he was also a high schooler again and he said some spooky shit about the mushroom and then I woke up," He finished rambling and looked over at his youngest son who was giving him an incredulous look. 

"That is really weird, and I do not understand why you woke up screaming," Techno just shrugged trying to convey the fact that he had no idea either, Tommy seemed to get that message he just kind of left the room, then he heard a yell from the blonde. "OH YEAH, IT'S 6:00, YOU MIGHT WANNA FUCKIN' GET READY OR SOMER SHIT!" 

"Oh shit, we gotta go,"


Technoblade pulled up at the restaurant to find Dream and his kids waiting. They all looked relatively nice since the place was kind of classy. The blonde's kids were all wearing button ups of various colors and black slacks to match, but they were all wearing the basic black and white converse instead of nice shoes. Dream himself was wearing a black button up with a green tie and white slacks. 

Techno was wearing the same thing except instead if a green tie he had a red one and his kids were dressed somewhat accordingly. Tommy looked rather disheveled but other than that they all looked fine. 

"Hey Techno!" The mentioned man's eyes snapped to the blonde. 

"Hullooo," The pinkette greeted his old rival, he prayed to the gods that tonight wouldn't be awkward. 

"We should head inside, it's just about time for our reservation," 

With that they entered the building, both of the adults were sort of herding their assorted children inside, it was a more upscale building, and the inside was glossy and white. The entirety was glass on the outside with sleek black tables and spiraling crystal chandeliers. 

"Wow Dream, you really just have to flex on me don't ya," Techno commented and the mentioned man chuckled slightly. 

"They're fockin' flirting I tell ya Tubs," Tommy whispered to his brunette sibling. The two adults were continuing their banter unbeknownst to the conversation happening just behind them. 

"Damnit Toms, your right they are," Was the response from said preteen. 

"Definitely, you think that they're gonna date?" Ranboo said, butting into the conversation. 

"Probably, have you seen the way they look at each other?" Punz said, appearing behind the trio, causing the boys to jump. 

"Jesus, man, how're you so fockin' quiet!?" Tommy whisper yelled at the other blonde who just shrugged in response. 

The children's brief conversation was interrupted by a suave looking man in all black host attire started bringing them to their table. 

Everyone got settled into their seats around the circular table, Dream and Techno sat next to each other with Ranboo and Techno's left and the Tubbo and then Tommy, and next to Tommy was Punz, who was next to Sam, who was seated next to Corpse. 

(Off topic but the chaos trio is now dubbed the dilf trio for this book lol-)

"Hello! My name is Niki and I'll be your server for tonight, is there anything I can get you started with?" A woman with pastel pink hair said as she walked up to the table with a kind smile plastered to her face. 

"Hey Niki, how are you?" Dream greeted her and she looked at him surprised before realizing who she was looking at and breaking out into a winning grin. 

"Dream! Techno! It's been so long(since I last have seen my son-)!" She said happily. The pre-teens just kind of sat there confusedly assuming that the three knew each other. Well, all of them wondered except Tommy. Who seems to be incapable of just wondering something. 

"HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW!?" He all but shouted at his father, the three adults looked at him before choosing to ignore him and resume their conversation. 

(It was at this point in time that I updated "The Favor" and left with half an intent to make curry but decided the better of and just got some pretzels and cream cheese instead so I wouldn't wake up my possible sleeping father.)

They spoke for a few moments and exchanged phone numbers for some sort of meeting later before Niki took their drink and appetizer orders before walking off to the kitchens to continue doing her job. 

(VERONICA! Open the- open the door please- Veronica OPEN THE DOOR-!)

"Well, I suppose introductions are in order so these three are my kids, Punz, Sam, and Corpse," Dream said pointing at each kid in succession. Punz waved and Sam nodded in their direction. 

"Hello," All hell broke loose when Corpse spoke, because holy Hephaestus, that is one deep voice for a twelve-year-old, "Uhhh..."

"HOLY FUCK BIG MAN, HOW IS YOUR VOICE LIKE THAT!" Tommy said loudly enough to come across as exaggerated but not enough to draw unnecessary attention to their table, which Techno is ever so thankful for. 

"I dunno dude honestly," The curly haired boy answered with a shrug. 

"Anyway- these are my kids, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo,"

With introductions out of the way it seemed it was time for the actual shit to start, but the author doesn't have the menatl capacity for that right now, so we'll stop this here. 

1272 Words

Feels Like Home To MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora