Chapter 1: Questions

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Quon POV

I know I shouldn't lie to Xander. Or any of my friends for that matter. But what would they think? I'm just their cool, chill, and collected friend... right? I mean, what would they expect. They might expect it from someone more, quiet or reserved. I guess maybe Ukyo would understand. He gets it.

Anyone else would think I'm joking. But I'm not. I'm just really good at hiding it. Really good at pretending it's ok, even when it's not ok. Especially when it really hurts.

I should talk to one of my friends. But would they understand? I'll ask Ukyo.

"Hey, Ukyo. You got a minute?" I asked him as normally as I could.

"Sure Quon, what do you need?" he replied, cool as a cucumber. Or a blueberry. I don't know.

My voice got caught up in my throat. JUST SAY IT QUON! I thought to myself. "What do you do when you, um want. To. Um. Say something but, Uh, you like, can't or something?" Nice one me. SO SMOOTH. He won't suspect a thing.

HE DID HIS SUSPICIOUS FACE! That face where it looks like he knows all. GREAT QUON! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! Then he laughed. Well, it was kind of more of a chuckle, but you get the point. Great. I realize after hiding this for so long, I actually believe that I'm ok, and I can pretend. IT'S GETTING TO ME.

"Well, took you long enough," he muttered, launching me out of my self-scolding.

"What do you mean?" I asked. How did he know?

"Took you long enough to get your feelings over and confess." CONFESS? TO WHO? (A/N Xander obviously.)

He must have seen the confusion on my face. "So, not a confession, but the other thing." He mumbled. He probably checked it off his list of things he knows. Shadow Walkers are like that. Not that I know any others...

"You're sad, Quon. I can sense it. Your energy has depleted. You aren't yourself." He told me. Ok, step one is done. But how did he know? And as if he could read minds, he continued. "It's pretty obvious to me. Every time you talk with Xander or Yugo, or anyone for that matter, you're faking it. I see it Quon. The moment they turn around, your face falls. Sadly. And it looks like you regret it. Also, please shut me up. I sound like a dang therapist."

I smacked him. "Ok, I underestimated how observant you were. That is spot on."

"You're faking again Quon."

"Shut up Shadow Walker."

"Hey, you came to me, not vice versa. I can say what I see."

"You're so annoying Ukyo. I literally can't with you. Also, please stop stalking my conversations. It's creepy bro."

"It's not stalking! I'm just being observant and worried about my friends."

"Whatever," I said as I walked away. Then I got lost in my thoughts.


"WAIT!" I yelled, the wind blowing harshly against my face. The wind was always there. Watching me.

"PLEASE DON'T! I'll do anything!" I pleaded.

"And what could you offer me? You're just a child," the man said mockingly. "You're all alone. No one can help you."

"HEY! Leave him alone." A voice said sharply. I turned to see a girl. She only looked slightly older than me, maybe 14.

"Mind your own business girl. Don't get involved." The man said dangerously. That's when the girl promptly kicked him in the face. Then socked his gut. I swear, it was impressive how she could beat that guy up so fast. The guy was taller than Xander!

"You ok?" She asked me after the guy ran away. Her face was covered with a mask. Her obsidian black eyes bore down at me. She was wearing gloves with metal plates on them. Her coat concealed her. And half of her face was cover with bangs. Jet black bangs. She was a two-face.

Then, I realized she was still waiting for a reply. "I'm fine," I said inconspicuously.

"Definitely." She said sarcastically.

Then we started talking. She told me she was away from things, and I told her that I was too. This was when I was away from the Sword Flames.

Then, she had to go.

I asked her what her name was.

"At the moment, I go by Obsidian. Although, I think we will meet again soon. So next time, call my Sycla. Sycla Oragati."

I blinked. She was the blader who disappeared 2 years ago. Everyone thought she died. I decided I wouldn't tell anyone about this meeting. Obsidian was a rebel blader, outside the rankings. She was strong. I didn't want to get on her bad side. So, I kept to myself.

Next thing I knew, she was gone. The only thing left was a symbol.

Then I remembered the man. I will not forgive him. I won't tell you why yet though. That's a story for later.

~End of Flashback~

What do you all think? Is it good? I tried this time! Updates will be slow. As of next week, updates are only on Fridays. This chapter is short. Also, I'm making another story. It will be about Sycla. Maybe it will turn into a series. Who knows! Updates slow. obviously. If you're bored, check out Randomness! I update more often there. And hope you enjoyed!


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