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Whilst it may be a little early than the usual reviewing, I felt I should do it while my reviewee was fresh in my mind. I will now review the McDonald's meal I ate at luncheon today (Friday 1st October 2021).

Chemistry had just finished, at it seemed that my fellow Chemists were going down to the famous fast food chain, therefore I decided to join them. I may not be able to eat everything on the menu, but my usual meal was one which I could occasionally enjoy, usually during a social gathering. The meal was as such: medium fries, a bag of fruit, and Millionaire's doughnut. I usually have a beverage with my feast, but due to having a bottle filled with water in my bag, I abstained from getting it. I paid with a £5 notes, receiving £1 Great British Pound. However, the food did not equate to £4, meaning only one thing; I must have made an extremely charitable donation to the Old Mcdonald Foundation or whatever it is. Yes, I know, I am incredibly selfless, and humble too. I then waited for a short period of time, before receiving my goods. I then made my way outside, to enjoy my terribly healthy foodables.

Firstly, I nommed on the chips. Usually, what I expect from fast food chips are that they are very salty, and crunchy like they should be. However, I found them to be none of the above. They weren't salty in the slightest, I bet a slug could eat it and still be alive. Even thought they weren't salty, you would still expect them to taste nice. It tasted like water. That's not to say that I dislike the taste of water, as I in fact very much enjoy some H₂0, however I wouldn't the majority of food to taste like it, least of all food from a prominent food business. Please excuse-moi my Francais, but they tasted like shit. In fact, they tasted worse than shit, as at least shit would have a strong taste, instead of just nothingness. Honestly, they were just pathetic.

Next of all, I had a fruit bag. This was good as always, with fresh and juicy apple slices and red grapes. I don't know completely how it's different, but fruit slices in bags are just so delicious. Yummy yummy in my tummy.

The last nummies that I sank my teeth into was the Millionaire's doughnut. This was filled with creamy caramel, which gave me enjoyment when it filled me. It was very nice.

Before I conclude, I concluded that I should also document my experience online, which the codes and stuff that came with the meal. First was the review code on the receipt. I filled in the review (now I've done 2 in a day), and then got a voucher which would give me like £1 off or something, if I actually even wanted to get something. I then entered in the code on the monopoly mystery prize, and got a voucher for 1 day at some gym. Great, will definitely use that. A day probably isn't even worth it, the only reason it exists is so people will get a good impression of it and buy a subscription, which I guess is the point of all freebies, but still. I wasn't expecting much, but cum on McDonald's. Also now McDonald's has my spare spare email address, National's postcode and the first 3 letters of my fore and surname. Furthermore I now have a little bit of paper saying "Oxford street", which has been explained a bit, so I get the gist, but still not completely sure.

Overall, it quite a good meal. Obviously, as seen above, the chips were a fucking disgrace, but the rest was good. Moreover, when I got home it turned out my mum had made me an eggs sandwich, so I guess I had 2 lunches.
(mini review: the egg sandwich was very good)

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