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Scene Changes: The lights turn back on to show Zoey and Kat quickly walking to the cellar’s entrance.

Zoey: (Fakes being scared, worried, and hysterical.) Kat you have to help us. Nate’s hurt in the cellar and I don’t know what to do.

Kat: (Looks scared and worried. She runs toward the open cellar door to see Nate knocked out and unconscious. She drops to the ground and pulls Nate’s head onto her lap, facing away from Zoey. With a demanding tone she says.) What happened?

Zoey shuts the cellar door quickly. Kat’s head turns to face her friend through the small bared opening on the door. She looks questioningly at her friend.

Zoey: The rest of us are tired of almost dying whenever you and Nate go into a verbal match. The only solution we thought of was to lock you guys in here together, until you get over you’re issues. (Zoey walks away from the door.)

Kat: (Gets up running to the now locked and closed door, ignoring Nate’s head falling back to the ground. She starts pounding and screams.) Zoey you can’t leave me with him. Please, I’ll end up killing him or worse myself. You wouldn’t want me to die would you?

Nate gets woken up by all of Kat’s screaming.

Nate: (Slowly gets up and groans. Kat is still yelling in the background a few feet away from Nate. He slowly takes in his surroundings. He then looks at Kat.) Why are we in the cellar?

Kat: (Turns and glares at Nate, seething with anger that’s clearly shown on her face.) Because of you, you idiot.

Nate: (Glares back at Kat.)  I didn’t do anything.

Kat: If you hadn’t always angered, and try to push my temper then we wouldn’t be stuck in the cellar together, with no way of getting out.

Nate: Me? If anything it’s your fault why we’re stuck in here. You just have to be so stuck-up and judgmental.

Kat: (Scoffs.) Stuck-up and judgmental? I’m neither of those things, in fact you’re the one that’s so stuck up, arrogant, cocky, and a complete and udermoron.

Nate: (Angrily starts yelling back.) Yeah well . . . . . . .

Both teens keep fighting neither noticing how close they had gotten, until their noses were touching.

Kat: I wish that I hadn’t met you, then I wouldn’t be stuck in this room with you. I’d be out and about having fun.

Nate and Kat: (Both seethingly say,) I hate you.

Caught up in the moment they both lean in their head closer and they share a kiss.

The lights dim once again, until the stage is completely black.

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