Chapter 1

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After the whole movie section about Maleficent.Everyone was happy atleast most of them upon finding out the truth about Maleficent, Carlos was sad about his mother Cruella as he sighed and whispered "Watcher if you are hearing this, did my mother really love me?
Watcher hearing the request just snapped his finger as many main figure in Aurodon got teleported.

As everyone appeared in the theater with flash as Mal,Carlos,Evie,Jay,Maleficent,Ben....etc all looked around to find the family location as they saw Watcher as Mal questioned"Watcher what happened? And Why did you bring us here?"

 Watcher smiled and answered found a new wisher."Carlos unconsciously straightened up as he remembered his wish, everyone else was confused as Carlos spoke up"I wished for Watcher."

Everyone was surprised hearing this while those close to him like his friends and girlfriend Jane knew Carlos's mother was crazy as Watcher smiled and said" asked me if your mother ever loved you and the truth is she did."

Carlos was shocked as  was ther rest of the Villian Kids as Carlos in denial said"No way my mom was crazy, she treated me like a slave."Watcher knew Carlos's life was worse than Mal's as he sighed and said"Well the truth is the one who raised you is technically not your Mom."

Everyone was confused as Carlos questioned, "What do you mean by that?"
Wacther explained, "Well you are the son of Cruella De vil, the one that raised you is not Cruella, but Baroness Von Hellman."

Out of the audience, only the older ones knew the name as Belle spoke"I know her, she was a fashion designer, who was Cruella's rival. Last I heard of her she was locked up in prison."

Everyone was surprised or shocked as Watcher nodded and replied"Yes she was locked up for a time, but soon got out, and let's just say she was able to get some witches to help her as she comtly got her memories and her looks making it not possible to doubt her. It is her who is obsessed with fur and Dalmatians.You can guess Baroness wanted revenge on your mother for ruining her whole life, her plan was slowly destroyed her reputation through the use of fur as a fashion designer herself she knew there was a talk about the whole animal cruelty as she used it to completely destroy your mother's reputation.She had imprisoned your mother in the mental hospital where she came in contact with you father who was doctor as both fell in love and got Pregnant with you Carlos. Both of your parents knew Baroness would not show you any mercy as they were able to escape the hospital for short while, before they were caught by the Baroness again. Baroness then took you away from your mother after birth,but what she didn't think was getting caught and thrown in the isle."

Anita Darling yelled at Roger"I told you Cruella was acting too different,it was never her style to make coats of dogs or animals."Jasper and Horace also knew something was not right with Cruella,but as Jasper spoke"We knew she was not Cruella,but we couldn't complain to anyone because we were the bad guy's no one would have believed us.Also we stuck with her during that time mainly to get the idea of where she hid the real Cruella." 

Now hearing how their sister was locked up in mental hospital and her son turned to a slave by Baroness.They felt really bad.

Carlos was shocked she couldn't believe the fact his real mom was kept prisoner in a mental hospital and the one who raised him as a slave was his mom's enemy as Watcher seeing tears in Carlos's eyes said: "You know, your mom was very happy when she found the fact she was pregnant."

Carlos wanted to see his real mom as with his voice wavering as he asked"Can I meet her?"Watcher smiled and snapped her finger as in a flash of light Cruella appeared in the theatre as Carlos seeing his real mom started tearing up as he quickly ran and hugged her as Cruella cried  and muttered" beautiful boy."

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