Chapter 2

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Let's be completely honest here, I didn't need to know the guy's name. All I wanted was for Nicole to realise I wasn't gay, not entirely sure why, or with Chrissy, or that I had a sudden and deep desire to see her in a bikini. Not that this was what I usually did, let any guy kiss me. His tongue was inside my mouth before I could reply. Or, maybe he did tell me his name. Whichever, I now had to endure several minutes of some random banker attempting to locate my tonsils.

The look he gave me when I pushed him away. He didn't stick around long, or offer to buy us drinks. So much for being an investment banker. She continued to look over, Wynonna talking to her. She laughed at something my sister said, nodding, raising her glass in our direction. The heat returned to my cheeks, realising I now looked like the cheapest pick-up in the place, allowing a stranger to play tennis with my tongue. Not only had I not succeeded in proving I was not interested in her, I had demonstrated I went with anyone who so much as looked at me. Was she looking at me?

"Where's she sleeping?" Chrissy said. "Thought she was coming at the weekend."

"No idea. There's not enough room where we are for all of us."

Wynonna sauntered over. "I've one more hour on my shift. We could go to the club after."

"I'm exhausted," Chrissy said. "Calling it a day."

"Nicole's in party mode. Waves keep me company."

Chrissy calling it a night appealed. A full day's sunbathing on the beach, followed by a long, leisurely meal overlooking the harbour, and several hours of drinking made me also crave our bed. "I'm in. I'll need to walk Chrissy back first."

"Hotpants can go with you. Make sure you don't get into trouble."

"Where's she staying?" I mentioned, casually.

"My place for now. Until you leave."

"Thought you said it's a studio apartment."

"Double bed."

Given the way she grinned, Wynonna must have seen the surprised look on my face at the mention of shared sleeping arrangements. Maybe Chrissy was right, maybe they had, you know, maybe that's how they connected at university. There was no way I could bring myself to ask Wynonna outright had she and the American done anything together, in a bed, with those long legs of hers. It was one of those questions where I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. Who am I kidding? I was desperate to know if they had been an item. I could see them together, although at the same time I always assumed Wynonna was into guys. It didn't matter if they had. Kind of made it easier if the American had slept with my sister. It would put her completely out of reach.

The laugh I let out was purely involuntary. One of those nervous reactions to Wynonna's mention of the double bed. Also, my assumption someone like Nicole was even within my reach, or interested for that matter. What was I thinking? Beyond stunning, could easily get anyone in the bar where we were drinking, and was currently flirting with one of the other women serving. Damn. Although, if that was her type I was in with a chance. Girl, get a grip. This was Wynonna's foreign friend, who may, or may not have seen her naked.

Wynonna patted Nicole on the butt. They've definitely done it. Got to have done it. You wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that, if it was offered, not with legs like those. Wynonna must have said something to make her look over again. And laugh. Again. Chrissy pulled me by my hand, this time towards the exit, only just managing to put my glass down on the counter in time. We made it outside, the air cooled by the sea, soft music spilling from the bar, the hypnotic clickety clack of small boats tied up for the night. Such a beautiful location, so romantic, the sort of place you could stroll hand in hand with a loved one and feel all the problems of world floating away. Two guys were relieving themselves of several pints of beer against the harbour wall. Why couldn't they use the restroom like everyone else?

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