Olaf gone on his fours and ran to the room before telling the two "C'mon follow me!"

Jane looks amused "He learned it quite well don't you think?"

Tarzan simply smiled as he grabbed Jane and took her with him.

"Here we are!" Olaf says pointing at the bookcase, guarded by the statue of a horse, the Water Nokk to be exact.

Jane "And where is that room?"

Olaf "If it were so easy to find it wouldn't be a secret room. Tarzan move that candle please"

Tarzan grabbed a candlestick off the wall and then the bookcase behind the statue had swung open wide with a loud creaking sound, revealing an arched passageway beyond which dead-ended into a dark, small, windowless room with a table in the center.

Tarzan "Wooow"

Jane "Look at all of this..."

Tarzan "I AM looking"

The room was dark but was clean. Seems Anna didn't let it to rot away.

Oalf "Anna prefers to keep the place just in case we ever need an escape route"

Jane "You don't say"

There were alot of things in there including a fireplace and some old books.

The shelves were covered in old yet clean objects that clearly hadn't been used for years: glass beakers, silver scales meant to weigh small things, dusty vases filled with dried-up flowers. And books. So many books.

Jane looks at ione of the books which reads "Magical Arts : Dangers of Dark Magic" and also "The runes of the Magical"

Olaf " By the way it's here that Anna and Elsa found their...I mean your mother's red shawl right there"

Olaf points towards the worn suitcase which was similar to the one in Tarzan's house. It seems their parents made that one from this very structural design.

I was surprised as I looked up from floor to ceiling at the seemingly endless rows of books lining with a painting of stars on the ceiling

Also there was a rickety old table in the center of the room. It was covered in scrolls among which were piles of old maps with drawings of foreign lands and sea monsters scrawled across their pages.

Tarzan wonders 'Hmm sea monsters. So it COULD have been a mermaid'

Then he turned and sees a portrait on the side wall of a woman wearing a crown. 'And who is this?'

Jane "And how many know of this place?"

Olaf "Well some of the castle's staff like Kai, and even Mattias..."

Olaf then takes a more rougher voice "...now if you'll excuse me, I shall head back to her majesty and see if there's any news on Elsa"

Jane "hehehe you are adorable. Sure you can go now"

Olaf then salutes them and leaves the room

Tarzan searches through the writings, some hooked up fish which had a rotten smel.

Also a series of journals and diaries

Some of them belonged to Iduna where she written her personal thoughts. One about her first seeing Agnarr at the forest

"Since that very first day he arrived in the Enchanted Forest. When I'd seen the wonder in his eyes as he stroked the baby reindeer."

Next was her meeting with Agnarr at the orphanage, then her apprenticeship to an inventer Johan who she helped with windmills before going on a rough side

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