Heated debate or Legislative Violence?

Start from the beginning

"ENOUGH" Anna bursted. Normally she'd be qite and composed dring the meetings...

... but not this time.

The other councilmember then stands up arrogantly "Forgive me your majesty but I must agree with Gretchen. Why should we listen to one raised by savage apes?"

Tarzan didn't took that last sentence too kindly "They are not savages!"

Anna was about to stand up but Kristoff, who held her by shoulder, told her not to. He wasn't liking it either and spoke up next

"Councilmember Jerome unless you have something else to say, please take your seat, you too Gretchen. And that man-ape or how you call him is our intel on african territory of greystokes and also my brother in law so I highly suggest you not make this personal"

Anna as well confirmed that Tarzan was indeed her sibling just as Elsa.

Everyone was baffled including Jerome and Gretchen who were still not fine with this but like her husband, they both knew when to remain silent.

Tarzan sure was impressed by Kristoff's speech which to him was somewhat similar of Kerchak's.

Earl "Now, your majesty, I belive that was another of the revelations you had?"

Anna only nods in response

Earl "I see. That shall be adressed as well but first, could you please report the information you have acquired from your trip to the southern sea"

Anna cleared her throat, now calm and collected "Of course. The land is as it was shown before our arrival as well as the same amount of raw material and resources"

Jane took her chance here to add further details "I must also add that it's been a long time home for the native tribe of Waziri, who are good friends of ours. Not to mention, there are dozens of animals and species that are sensitive to humans being involved. We are sometimes too"

Second head of the council, Frederick stood up, and responded immediately.

"But so are we with Arendelle, and our status is quite obscure within the north Europe. And so with this peregrenation overseas, we hoped for some much appreciated aid"

Tarzan here decided to go in on the conversation "While I may not be close with your way, but I am experienced in leading others"

A fellow councilmember and a trading minister Michael "I also heard from your father Profesor Porter multiple of plants In African forests that are helpful in curing many diseases. Is that true?"

Jane "Yes it is. It's ingredients are very rare but as you said 'helpful', with your aid it may even help more people around the world as well"

Anna "What Jane states is true, as Kai was also under the disease but you see he is now better"

All eyes on Kai, who confirms with a nod.

The rest of the council considered this, and had more heated debates afterwards on whether or not trusting this to Professor but eventaully agreed with Ms. Porter.

When all was said and done, Head counsilor Earl announced the meeting end

Earl "Well then it would seem that an hair to the throne will soon be born, as far as I am concerned that matter is settled. With the greystroke area yet to be localised, this council meeting is over for a time being. Alright dismissed"

The matter being settled was debatable at best for some.

Everyone slowly were moving out, some like Jerome weren't satisifed. Nor was Gretchen who was seen to storm off with her husband and son.

After Meeting

Professor didn't know what to say "it seems you weren't having an easy time"

Jane responds with a playful tone "Alright perhaps we didn't...maybe we should take some relaxing time. I can get us some good tea and chocolate here and now to chill out"

"That won't be needed Ms Porter" Kai says with Gerda having Jane's tea set ready for some good tea as well as Olina who has some good chocolate and snacks on the table

Tarzan was sniffing the table full of treats laid out "Smells good"

"Ouh I bet it does. You sisters usually couldn't get enough of it" Olina said

He let that thoguht sink in as he took one, inspects it and takes a bite. Tarzan was used to eat some termites, peanuts and fruits. But this is something new.

Gerda "I suppose it didn't go smoothly"

Kristoff "What's done is done. Looking on the bright side it could've been worse. Luckily we didn't had any physical offenses like Lovgivende Vold.

Professor "Legal brawl? My word indeed...Have you discussed the matter of the disease?"

Anna "Yes and how have you been with Lord Sorenson?"

"As a fellow old scientist, we had many ideas to share with each other. He is quite a mystic I say. You see we have conversed at the signs of the virus, it's functions are... strangely mutating. Quite unusual. While we had an ingredients necessary for the cure, something seems to enchance it by any minute. Something unnatural"

Jane "Is that even possible? Nothing should be able to manipulate disease"

Anna "Wouldn't be the first time..."

Anna could remember that one time when they found their parents secret passage within the castle...

On that day she planned a world tour with Elsa before an unknown sickness came into their lands. At the time, Anna tried using a magic spell found in there... she planned to utilizing in curing disease. 'What more harm could it bring?' So she thought

The results were... not likeable

Kristoff "What can we do Professor?"

Professor "While it did subside for now, I fear if we don't find out the reasn or the source quickly then I fear the death count may go sky high"

Tarzan and Jane are seen worried

Anna and Kristoff felt the same, with Kristoff suggesting "We should ask Grand Pabbie or Elsa for help when she arrives"

At one point I did think that disease/virus can't be controlled... UNTIL I READ THIS : /frozen-sequel-timeline-happened-between-movies/

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