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I mentally punched my dad's shoulder for this. I'm surprised he didn't add "Nickname is Patootsie" as well.

"Then sleep."

"I'll try, but I'm not that-"

"Don't try telling me you're not tired. Your concealer wore off."

Realization dawned on me.

'Ah yes, these eyebags are probably making me look like I'm craving some bamboo right now.'

I chuckled sheepishly, nodding my head to her firm but concerned demands.

"I have to go tend to some other idiot who got their head stuck in a rabbit hole in the school backyard.

Have a good night's rest!" Was the last thing she said before opening then shutting the door, making a small click sound.

"But it's 10 am-" My voice chased after her, though I doubt she heard me.

Well... at least Dad didn't tell them about that...

other thing.

Present time.

I opened my eyes to see a white wall.

It still bugs me that I ended up here on the first day.

'Tamaki probably thinks I'm a loser.'

The voice in my head echoed.

I felt my face fall to a frown.

I slapped my own cheek.

'No, that cinnamon roll is too nice for that.'

My mind was tormented since that voice, Insecurity, wanted so badly to take over.

I still manage to fend it off.


I've been here since the end of second period.

Exactly how long have I been here?

No clue. I lost track of time already.

I sat up, my body went woozy as a terrible throbbing at the back of my head made its existence known.

Oh, right.

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