- Drew Ray Tanner and Jordan Cameron Reveal their Firsts

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"My name is Drew Ray Tanner-"

"And I'm Jordan Cameron-"

"And you are watching Holly Wire. Yo," he smiled at Karla.

"Hi, Drew! Hi, Jordan! How are you?"

"I'm great," Drew smiled as he readjusted his camera.

"Pretty good, pretty good," Jordan smiled.

"Holly Wire! What?"

"We are here," Karla smiled. "I am so excited to be talking to you guys today."

"I'm excited. I think all the excitement's on this end."

"Alright, we're going to do Holly Wire Firsts."


"Alright," Jordan nodded.

"So, who was your first kiss? Drew, you can go first."

"Well, Casey Cott was my first kiss on camera."


"Uh... And- So that was interesting. That was fun to do with somebody that was I really, you know, good friends with. My first kiss ever, I think I was... Depends on how long you guys have for this story, but it's a pretty funny story."

"We have time," Karla laughed.

"I was reading this- I remember I was in grade one and there used to be this book that I would read, like, everyday. And it was called... I think it was, like the Rainbow Scale Fish or something. It was the book where there's like a fish on it-"

"Yes, with a bunch of rainbows."

"Yes, you know what I'm talking about, right?" She nodded.

"It's called the Rainbow Fish," Jordan told him. "It was one of Devan's favorites when he was little."

"Yes!" Drew pointed at her. "That's the one I'm talking about. Anyway, I remember reading that book and I was- There was this little chair that I would sit in while I read it and there was this girl who wanted to kiss me and I just wanted to read my book. And she kept on coming and she said, 'Come on, Drew. Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss.' And I was just reading my book like, 'No, it's okay.'" Jordan started laughing. "She ended up getting the entire classroom to start chanting, 'Kiss her! Kiss her!' And they legitimately grabbed me like this horde of children like Lord of the Flies and, like, body surfed me over to this person and held me down essentially and this girl kissed me like five times and that was not something I was into. I was like, 'Girls? Ew. Icky.'" Both girls laughed. "But they thought it was really funny. Um, so that was my first kiss. If the girl who did that- If you're out there, you know, let's talk about that. That was an interesting time in my life."

"Jordan?" Karla asked once they had stopped laughing.

"Well, my story is nowhere near as entertaining, but my first kiss was on set. I kissed Colin for one of the scenes where Septimus and Aminity kiss. And he was really sweet, made sure that he was doing it right, it's a good memory. My first actual kiss was at my boyfriend's homecoming dance. He took me to the dance and kissed me during the slow dance. It was pretty great."

"First celebrity crush? Jordan first this time."

"Um, I was a big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies when I was a kid and Will was always my favorite character, so I'll say Orlando Bloom."

"He's way too old for you," Drew teased.

"Fine, fine. Um, Thomas Broadie-Sangster. I saw him in Nanny McPhee and thought he was pretty great. He's still older than me, but a little closer. Drew?"

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