Chapter 53 - Time Out

Start from the beginning

"Is that really necesary?"

"Just a precaution" he utters.

I look at Luke briefly and decide not to argue. Honestly, i would do anything to avoid any attention, especially when not all of it is pleasant.

"I will go with him and join you later" Luke says as Eli and i start to walk away.

We wait in the car for about fifteen minutes, before they show up. I see them coming through the tinted window and open the door, quickly stepping out.

"Hey" I utter, opening my arms wide to hug both of them at once"

"Hey you" Mom responds, but Jade gives me a hard glare.

"What?" I ask.

"Ain't you full of surprises." He smirks.

"Let's go" I shake my head and step into the car.


"So this is how you have been living huh? I should start teaching too" Jade says sarcastically, observing his surroundings, after we walk into the apartment.

"It's not really my place" I utter, saying the obvious.

"But you live here?"


"I really don't know you at all do I? Why all the secrets?"

"I wasn't keeping secrets, we just never had the chance to........"

"....Get to know each other? I know" I says apologetically.

"I guess" I say, walking into the living room.

"I know i was really shitty to you before, and..."

"Jaden, you don't have to apologise to me every time you see me. You have said it already a hundred times" I murmur.

"I know...and i will say it a million times more......I really am Arie....I can't take back the past, but i promise to do better in the future." He says solemnly.

"Me too" mom whispers.

I look at her and she is already shedding a tear.

"Enough of that....who's hungry?" I murmur and just on cue, Selene walks in to let us know lunch was ready along time ago and just waiting for us to arrive.


After lunch, i show them around the apartment with the intention of watching a movie afterwards, but after showing them Angelo's workout room, Jaden is completely blown away by the different types of excercise machines and equipment, such that we end up spending a long time listening to him explain what each is machine is called and what it does.

Coming back downstairs, some time in the late afternoon, we end up in the kitchen where mom offers to prepare dinner, complete with baked desert.

After some time, sudden deep voices in the foyer let me know Angelo is home and i quickly, excuse myself from the kitchen.

He is with AJ, Eli, Sam and two other people, i don't know, that are dressed formally, one of them a woman.

"Hey" I say, walking towards his out stretched arm.

"Hai" he utters, holding me to his side.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Good, you? Anything eventful happen?" He asks, traces of slight teasing evident in his voice.

"I know, i asked for it .....but I am not going to hide in this house forever" I mutter.

"Utter girl" he quips and introduces the two strangers as my additional security to look after me.

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