Chapter 1

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2 years earlier

Taekyung's Point Of View

Today a new year begins at Saebit Boy High School.

As usual, I walk towards the entrance of the establishment, my head lowered and at a rapid pace.

Around me, my comrades meet with joy and good humor.

As for me, I avoid them as much as possible, I don't want to be in contact with anyone.

As I walked, still head down, not really paying attention around me, a person approached me.

"Hello, Taekyung?"

I lift my head and look at the person in front of me, surprised.

"You are Woo Tae Kyung, 11th grades, class 1, aren't you?"

I look at him then lower my gaze. I would like to leave.

"I'm Seo Hatbit, the homeroom teacher in Class 1, delighted."

He holds out his hand to me with a smile. I look at his hand and then give him a slight forced smile at my new homeroom teacher.

"Ah, OK..."

I turn to walk around him and leave as if nothing has happened. I don't like being around people, as soon as someone comes close to me to talk to me or befriend me, I shut myself up or ignore them like with this teacher, it's always been like that. I don't like to be like other people. I like having my own outlook on life and most people don't understand me and I don't understand them either, not really trying to understand them. I prefer to stay alone and keep my authenticity.

I keep walking until I hear two old classmates chatting right behind me.

"He said he didn't need friends, that's it", said the first one, laughing.

"Hey ! He can hear you, stop", answers him the second, laughing a little too.

I frown, what I especially dislike is that we are not being honest! So I turn to them to confront them.

"Do you have something to tell me ?"

Their smiles droop and look at me, surprised.

"Oh... I mean... we..."

The second looked embarrassed about the situation.

"If so, could you speak louder? I have not heard well."

Oh no, we have nothing to tell you, replied the first with a small smile.

"In this case, please, speak less loudly."

These two annoy me, they weren't even able to say what they were thinking to their faces. The first one started to smile.

"I apologize, I apologize for him too", said the second, passing his arm from the shoulders of the first. "My friend is a bit playful ..."

I frown again, I don't understand ...

"Why... You... apologize for him?"

One laughs mockingly and the other holds him back.

"Because we're friends, asshole. That's why you don't have any friends."

"Hey, stop."

I look down, intrigued.

"Let's go, let's go !"

They leave leaving me alone. I watch them go, still intrigued.

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