Part 6 ~ Ice Skating

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Bakugou's PoV:

I didn't want to face the reality waiting for me in those hotel rooms. The weight of recent events pressed down on me, threatening to crush me under its burden. All I wanted was an escape, something to numb the pain and soothe my frayed nerves. So, I did what I always did when the world felt like too much—I reached out to the one constant in my life: training.

Earlier, I had texted Atsushi, my coach, letting him know that I needed to train. Alone. Away from prying eyes. As I entered the changing rooms, a sense of relief washed over me. Here, amidst the familiar scent of sweat and ice, I could lose myself in the rhythm of movement.

Dumping my bags into my private locker, I noticed my name boldly emblazoned across the front. Panic surged through me at the thought of my classmates discovering my secret refuge. With a quick swipe, I scrubbed away the evidence, erasing any trace of my presence.

Changing into my training attire—a snug black shirt and leggings—I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me. Grabbing my orange sparkly ice skates, I made my way to the rink, the cool air biting at my skin.

Atsushi's PoV:

I received a message from Katsuki earlier, a simple request for solitude amidst the chaos of his life. Concern gnawed at the edges of my consciousness as I made my way to the ice rink. Something had been off with him lately, his usual fiery determination overshadowed by a lingering sense of unease.

As I sat on the bench, scrolling through our messages, the sound of the door opening drew my attention. There stood Katsuki, his pallid complexion a stark contrast to the vibrant energy he typically exuded. I said nothing, knowing that he would rebuff any attempt at conversation.Motioning for him to begin, I watched as he stepped onto the ice, his movements fluid yet devoid of their usual confidence. Something was weighing heavily on his mind, but I knew better than to pry. For now, all I could do was observe, offering guidance when needed.

Bakugou's PoV:

Fatigue weighed heavily upon me as I glided across the ice, the familiar routine offering a brief respite from the turmoil swirling within. With each practiced movement, I felt the tension in my muscles slowly ease, the rhythmic motion lulling me into a state of temporary oblivion.But as I prepared to execute a quadruple toe loop—a move I had mastered countless times before—a sudden wave of uncertainty washed over me. My mind, usually sharp and focused, felt clouded, the familiar sequence of steps eluding my grasp.

Skating faster, desperation driving me forward, I struggled to regain control. But it was too late. The wall loomed before me, a silent sentinel in the darkness. I could hear Atsushi shouting my name, his voice a distant echo in the recesses of my mind.

Aizawa's PoV:

The chaos of the moment threatened to engulf us as we rushed to Katsuki's side. The sight of his crumpled form on the ice sent a jolt of alarm through me, my instincts as a hero kicking into overdrive. Pushing through the throng of students, I reached him, my heart sinking at the sight of his pale, motionless figure.

Atsushi's frantic attempts to stabilize him were met with grim determination, his expertise as a coach evident in the practiced precision of his movements. But even as the medics arrived and began their urgent work, a sense of helplessness washed over me. As a teacher, as a hero, I was supposed to protect my students from harm. Yet here I stood, powerless to shield Katsuki from the consequences of his own actions.

Turning to face the worried expressions of Katsuki's classmates, I found myself at a loss for words. What could I possibly say to ease their fears, to reassure them that everything would be alright? With a heavy sigh, I motioned for them to follow Atsushi, knowing that answers awaited us at the hospital.

The journey seemed to stretch on indefinitely, each passing moment weighed down by the uncertainty of Katsuki's condition. Yet amidst the fear and anxiety that gripped us, a glimmer of hope flickered in the darkness. For as long as Katsuki fought, as long as he refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume him, there remained a chance—a chance for healing, for redemption, for a future reclaimed.

Atsushi's PoV:

The whirlwind of activity that followed Katsuki's accident threatened to overwhelm me as I struggled to maintain my composure. The medics worked tirelessly to stabilize him, their efforts a testament to the dedication and skill of those who answered the call of duty in times of crisis. As Katsuki was whisked away on a stretcher, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt gnawing at the edges of my conscience. Had I been more vigilant, more attuned to the signs of distress that plagued him in recent days, perhaps I could have prevented this tragedy from unfolding. Turning to face his classmates and teacher, I found myself at a loss for words. How could I possibly convey the gravity of the situation, the fragile balance between life and death that hung in the balance? With a heavy heart, I motioned for them to follow, knowing that answers awaited us at the hospital. The journey was fraught with tension, each passing moment marked by the ominous spectre of uncertainty. Yet amidst the fear and despair that threatened to consume us, a glimmer of hope emerged—a beacon of light in the darkness. For as long as Katsuki fought, as long as he clung to life with every fibre of his being, there remained a chance—a chance for healing, for redemption, for a future reclaimed. And though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, I vowed to stand by his side, every step of the way, until he emerged from the darkness, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

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