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Izuku was dropped off. He was living in the house alone for the time being since his dad and the rest of the UA and staff had recently moved into dorms. Since Izuku was neither of those he couldn't go with his dad to the dorms so he had to stay home alone. Izu didn't like being in the house alone. Well there was the cats but this is different. He bid his father goodnight and went inside. He made sure everything was locked up and went upstairs to his room. When he got to his room he checked his phone. There was an unread message from an unknown number. Thinking that it might be a member of the chat he was accidently added into he opened it. That wasn't the case. The text said :

unknown number: I know who you are I know were you live I will be coming to get you soon you will be mine all mine I've been watching you for some time don't think about getting the heroes involved they wont be able todo anything I will have you have good dreams now Izu

after reading the text he wasn't going to listen to the person/persons. So he copied the text and opened the group chat. Once in the group chat he sent this chat.

Deku: Hey I know its late but I got this text and its got me scared.

unknown number: I know who you are I know were you live I will be coming to get you soon you will be mine all mine I've been watching you for some time don't think about getting the heroes involved they wont be able todo anything I will have you have good dreams now Izu

Immediately his phone was being blown up. It seemed that everyone in the chat had seen the text and started texting at once.

Chamara: That is not good I want to see your phone Midoriya

Fish Head: How long has that been going on for it must be awhile since they know your name


Flaming Flamingo: No not UA he needs to be followed and monitored that's all

Small Might: I agree with Yamada lets get him to UA asap

Mental health: I say we stake out his work place for suspects

Sharp Shooter: I want to just shoot them when I find them.

Math Geek: Let me torture the person before you shoot them Snipe.

Wings: I can stake out Izu's work place I'm in there enough to do so

Dadzawa: Nezu I'm going to go get my son and bring him to UA. I don't want him out of my site. Once we have the suspect I call being first one to torture the person since he is after my son. 

Deku has changed Fish Head to Ocean King. Deku has changed Wings to chicken man.

Deku: So should I pack some clothes or just go to bed

Chamara: Shota lets get Midoriya to UA go get him now. Midoriya pack some clothes wait inside your house till your dad comes inside for you

Izuku got off his phone text messages and did as Nezu wanted him to. He grabbed several articles of clothing and he also grabbed his hero annalistic notebooks. He didn't want them falling into the wrong hands. He called his dad. The two of them talked as he drove to the house to get him. Izuku suddenly heard a knock on the door and a man's voice saying that he was his dad. That he forgot his key and to let him in. since Izuku was on the phone with his dad he asked him if that was the case and Izuku was told no that wasn't the case that he was still driving. Izuku talked with his dad. As he did he was told to stay in his room that he would come to him when he got there.

Izuku waited for a few more minutes before his dad opened his bedroom door. He grabbed his stuff and walked with his dad to the car and got wasn't long and they were driving to UA on the way there Izuku fell asleep. After parking Shota walked around opened Izu's door and picked him up. He called Hizashi to come open the door to the dorms. Hizashi wondered why but went anyways. When he got there he found Shota holding a sleeping Izuku. Shota carried the boy and placed him in the spare bed in the spare room within his dorm room. Once Aiwaza was done he went out to the living room and sat on his couch. He looked at his loud friend and waited. Hizashi whispered shouted "Shota what are we going to do about his school hours. What about his work." Shota said "Zashi I don't know. His school stuff is easy to take care of since he is homeschooled. I didn't want him bullied and harassed do to his lack of a quirk."

the two hero's continued to talk for a few minutes before the two of them went to bed. 

A/N I do not own MHA or the Pics all credit goes to the rightful owners of both

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