ch 1 : How much can a heart hold?

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"What are you looking at ?",I snatched the photograph Ann has been admiring for hours.

"Well,guess who?",she raised her painted eyebrows ,staring at me.

"Your-",she stopped me.

I blinked at her emotionless face.

"My fiancé", she pushed her hair back with pride.

"Eh?",my mind couldn't process what I've heard just now.


"I know,I'm too young for this.But look at him,just look at him",she held the picture of him in front of me.
He seemed in the snapshot to be an attractive young man,possibly even beautiful in the American fashion---dark black hair,penetrating blue eyes,pale skin,a radiant smile,all giving him finely carved face an appearance of merriment which promised to be constant in his life
I looked at the picture and again at her,"well,he's good but-"

"But what,he's rich,he's handsome. What else do I need?After marrying him,I'll pack my bags to Denmark .I've always wanted to go there",she threw her hands in the air,smiling from ear to ear.

I shrugged my shoulders,"Then it can't be helped"

We wore our baggage and commenced taking walks  across the bridge,it was once already late.A round of apricot-coloured full moon quietly crawled out of the mouth of the mountain and put its reflection in the lake.

The swing bridge was  shaking badly  as she held my hand for balance.As we kept strolling through the busy streets,we stopped with a aid   of a parlour to buy icecreams.

"So,have you talked about him to mom?",I took a massive chunk of the bloodless frost vanilla which made me to hold my jaw in pain.

"Not yet,I'm afraid she will not like him."

"Exactly,I expect  of it too.Look,Ann
he is now not the suited one  for you.You can't marry all and sundry simply due to the fact he is affluent  and handsome."

"So,what else do we need-"

"An authentic coronary  heart that adores you",I shouted as all the people on the road surpassed me a weird look.
She just sighed and started to eat her ice cream.

I tossed my bag on the couch as we arrived at our house and went into the kitchen ,where I grabbed a bag of chips and began munching. 

"You better forget him before mom finds out,he's too historic for you",I told her as I walked past her room.

It was already eleven when I looked at the clock;I grabbed handphone and started scrolling through it.

There was a message from mom,"Me and your dad-busy in an experiment -can't reach home today-take care-loves,mom"


When I saw a message pop up, I leapt from bed.It was from Meiko,the solely exceptional  friend I've ever had in my crappy life.
I dialled her as soon as I read the message,"Eh? Meiko-"

"Jade,do no longer neglect to come  . There will be a lot of good-looking ones there"

"Huh?!not this again!",I sighed " Well, when is the party and why suddenly?!"

"My sister is getting engaged"

"Wow!seriously.Well,my sister got engaged too,but just now I came to know about that",I laughed.

"I've invited jake too"

Hearing his name made my heart race,"What, for real-"

"And also his girlfriend,shiyasoa"

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