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Wolves in the story:

Fire - flamey orange pelted dog with piercing blue eyes.

Kierre - lithe black she-wolf.

Bane - large dark grey dog.

Lydia - small, sleek silver she-pup.

Québec - silver she-pup who finds joy in being right all the time.

Alfred - grumpy, scrawny, and nasty-worded silver-tawny dog.

Cold and bitter were these days now, as far as the wolves of Shierah could tell. Would anyone survive?

A horrible freeze swept over the lands and many wolves had perished unfortunately. "Never go outside, do you hear me?" The alpha of the Ermaya pack asked her pups while they were huddled inside the den. She was a large and sleek black she-wolf with an understanding of laws. However; she and the rest of the pack were much too thin for their own liking. Prey scarcely dared venture further out and the Ermayas would hunt once per five days.

Now, one of the alpha's pups was the adventurous one. He felt the heavy desire to capture memories of crisp wind on his face. "Mother, why can we not go outside?" He asked, his pelt was a flamey orange color. "That is none of your concern, dear one." She nuzzled him.


A grey wolf came into the den, his tail held high.

"It is the fifth day, we must try our luck once more."

Kierre was the alpha female. When she heard this she hung her head low and sighed, "Trying our luck hasn't been going well." It was true; their last successful hunt had been weeks ago. "We must only hope, darling." The dog padded towards her, speaking in a low, soft voice. "You make it seem possible, Bane." Kierre murmured.

After they had a quick conversation, they left the den instruct a hunt. The pup-sitter, Alfred, walked in the den a few moments after this. "All right, you little weasels," he spat. "Playtime is over, no messing around and sit still for your parents or I'm gonna make you." He was a scrawny, small, terribly insane looking thing. His pelt was a tawny-silver, the typical coat of wolves. "I'm not afraid of you!" One of the pups barked. It was Fire; he was the wiry orange one of the alphas' litter. "You should be!" Alfred snapped and Fire backed up, whimpering and tucking his tail. Fire had two sisters, Lydia and Québec. They were both silver wolves. In fact, most of the Ermaya pack had silver pelts, all except Fire and a few other wolves who had a more brown hue to their fur. "Oh, Fire. Stop messing around with the old grump." Lydia sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not old, miss sparkle-toes." Alfred snarled and bit the she-pup on the ear, just enough to not draw any blood. "I'll tell ya now and I'll tell ya again, make sure you stay out of my fur."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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