dirty dishes | viseul

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Haseul: babe..
*glass breaking sound*
Haseul: baabeee...
*more glass breaking*
Haseul: d-do we have more clean plates?
*Vivi turn around to see Haseul and pointed at the garbage bin full of shards*
Haseul: s-so I'm guessing we're out of plates?
Vivi: we still have one more
Vivi: but it's dirty
*vivi throws the plate into the trash bin*
Haseul: ...
Haseul: I'm gonna go grab my wallet then
Vivi: don't forget your ikea membership card babe!
Haseul, mumbling: maybe I should start cleaning the dishes..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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