New Kids pt.1

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A/n: I kinda have writers block rn so if this is shitty I'm blaming it on that. I'm bad at starting stories omfg

2nd person pov

"CORVID COME HERE!" You yelled.



You were standing in the doorway of room 301 of the Addison Apartments. Your new home. You and your friend, Corvid, had just moved to Knockfell with your aunt Alicia. You had all lived in Winston, Salem for years before but your aunt had to expand her business, and you had to go with her. Alicia and Corvid's uncle, Wrae, both decoded it would be fine if Corvid went with you, since Wrae had to go on a long trip for business and Corvid couldn't come. So you all lived together now.

"PLEASE?" You persisted.

Corvid walked out from their new bedroom. "Asterin, I really don't feel like looking for murderers or the ghosts of their victims right now."

"Why not?"

"Because we literally just got here like 15 minutes ago. I wanna unpack a little and get used to the place."

"You'll get used to it faster if you explore."

"..." Corvid walked back into their bedroom.

"Bastard." You said, loud enough for Corvid to hear.

"Shut the fuck up." You heard them say from their room.

"Fine I'm going. I heard there were other kids our age that lived here so I might go look for them."

Corvid poked their head around the door of their room. "...I might want to go with you now."

"No, you said you didn't want to before." You said, mocking them.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you." They ran out of their room towards you. You ran out of your apartment laughing, while they chased you out, also laughing. When you both reached the end of the hallway they started play punching your arm. "Bitch." They laughed.

"Stop it and come on. I think the murderer lived right upstairs." You said.

"Ok fine. But let me get something first." Corvid said, walking back to 301. They came back out with their pocket knife and a key. "Thanks Ms.Alicia!" Corvid yelled into the apartment, then closed the door. "K now we can go."

"Are u scared that the murderer is still in the apartments?" You asked jokingly.

"No, I always carry my pocket knife."

"I know, I was kidding. What did auntie give you?"

"Oh. A key to our room. She said she'd give you yours when we got back."

"Oh ok."

"Yeah. Come on."

You both walked to into the elevator. "You wanna play the elevator game tonight?" You asked.

"The ghost game or whatever?"


"Hell yeah. Do u wanna play elevator roulette right now? See if we can go ahead and make enemies?" Corvid asked, half joking.

"I mean..."

"Damn ok."

You clicked the 4 button and waited for the doors to close, once they did you put up your middle finger, Corvid doing the same. You both started giggling. You reached the 4th floor and the door opened. Nobody was there.

"Shit." Corvid said.

"Yeah we'll have to do it on the other floors."

"Damn." Corvid laughed.

"Don't take that out of context dumbass." You laughed, pushing them a little. You both heard a small giggle from the hallway. You looked at each other and Corvid's eyes widened a little. Grabbing their arm you walked out from the elevator and looked to where the giggle came from. There was a middle aged woman with brown hair mopping the floor a little bit away from the elevator doors. She was kinda hot.

"Oh sorry, we didn't think anyone was out here right now." You apologized to the woman and smiled.

"Oh it's fine honey, I have a kid about your age so I'm used to it." She smiled back. "You two must be the ones who moved into 301, right?"

"Mhm. Us and my aunt. I'm Asterin Grim."

"I'm Corvid Fraliey ." Corvid said.

"Hi Asterin and Corvid, I'm Lisa. I'm the maintenance in the Addison apartments." The woman said sweetly.

"Hi Lisa. Uhm, we heard that something happened here. Do you know where the it happened?" You asked.

"Oh you're talking about the murder. Right here." She said, pointing to room 403. "I believe my son and his friend are in there right now, they like exploring the place. They might like to meet you two."

"Really? Ok we'll talk to them then." You said, smiling.

"Ok. Have fun."
Since ur rushing me I'm just gonna give u this for now

Sally face one shot things for Asterin and me lmao Where stories live. Discover now