The Halloween Party

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     It's October 31st in Gothmoria, which means that it's Halloween. People are disguising themselves as characters, such as ghosts, monsters, and black cats. Kids are trick or treating through the streets of Gothmoria and the woods. Anthropomorphic animals disguise themselves as human characters such as witches, princes and princesses, and superheroes. There even people going to parties where they have activities like bobbing the apples, the What's on my Hand challenge, and drinking games, and some of the coolest and most delicious treats such as pumpkin cupcakes, ghost cookies, and black donuts. Meanwhile you and Evan have checked the mailbox outside the house to see what's inside.

     "I hope there is a flier about trick or treating." You said to Evan before opening the mailbox.

"But I'm way too old for trick or treating." Evan said to you.

"Evan, anyone can trick or treat." You said to Evan.

"True but I hope it says that we are going to the party." He said to you.

"I might be wrong, but let's see." You said to him.

     You opened the mailbox, and took the flier out. You read that there is a Halloween Party at the Queen's Goiter.

     "I guess you're right, we are going to the party, from what it says on the paper." You said to Evan.

"Why thank you, Y/n, for telling me that I'm right." Evan said to you. "And what's even more interesting about the party is that Kyle invited us since it says that it's located in the Queen's Goiter."

"I think I'm gonna be one of his next loyal customers."

"I guess you're right. Now let's get ready to party!"

You and Evan did a fist bump before going outside to disguise yourselves as Kevin the Royal Rockstar Goblin of Gothmoria, and a typical high school anime girl.

     You both went inside the house and went to your rooms to get dressed for the Halloween party.  Your costume is a typical high school anime girl from a typical high school anime show, and it consists of a Japanese school uniform and a wig which is a tan wig that has bangs, kind of like what an anime girl has. The first thing you did to put on this costume is to put on this uniform that is a white suit with black stripes and a red ribbon and a blue skirt. After putting on this uniform, you tied your hair into a bun so you could put on a wig cap on your head which is usually important for any type of wig, then you put this wig on your head. After putting on this costume, you then put make up that could suit your costume, which blue eye contacts, a cat eye (Not really a cat eye, but it's a thing where you trace a wing in your eye using an eyeliner), and big eyelashes for your eyes, pink blush for your cheeks, and a little bit of red lipstick on your lips that would look like someone in an anime girl cosplay.

          Meanwhile Evan's costume is a rockstar costume that is similar to Kevin's outfit, and it consists of a brown vest and a headband that has horns similar to Kevin's. He took off his shirt to put on this this vest. After he put on his vest, he then wears a horn headband which is black like Kevin's. Then, he grabs a fake guitar that is also included in the costume set, except that it feels real. After he changed his clothes to put on this costume, he checks in the mirror and it's giving him Kevin vibes. "It feels so great to disguise yourself as the queen's servant." He said.

     After you both changed your clothes to put on your disguises, you see each other while you closed your bedroom doors.  You happen to like your own costumes

    "Nice Kevin cosplay" You said to Evan in his Kevin costume.

"Why thank you for loving my royal rockstar servant costume, Y/n!" Evan said to you, and then he plays the fake guitar. "I love your outfit too! What is it?"

The Halloween Party (Evan x Reader One Shot - A Halloween Special)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora