Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV

Four weeks. That's how long it's been since I found out that I'd have to start spending time in Colorado. Technically I should've already been spending time in Colorado, but my DCYF worker was able to get the judge to push it off until a paternity test was completed. Deep down, I truly believed the test would be negative. There was no way that my mom cheated on my dad.

But the results only reinforced what I was denying.

My mom cheated, and Jack Whitman is my father.

The heaviness in my chest returns as I gently zip up my suitcase. Luckily a soft knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Are you almost ready to go?" Alex stands in the doorway with a small smile on her face. I know she's trying to be strong for me and act like this is okay, but I can tell this is hard for her.

"No... I don't want to go." I slump down on my bed and bury my face in my hands. The bed dips beside me and a hand moves up and down my back.

"I know this hard for you, but maybe this is a good thing. You'll get to explore a new town and see new places. And maybe... maybe he can answer some of the questions you have... help you to understand." For whatever reason, hearing Alex say this only brings up more frustration.

"Aren't you angry about this?" I ask her. She sighs and lowers her head. "Of course I am."

"Then why aren't you guys fighting this?!" She looks slightly surprised by my anger and my question.

"Of course we're fighting this! That's all we've been doing since Jack came to town. Unfortunately, there's only so much we can do right now Soph. Judge Erikson made his ruling so we have to honor that." I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and shake my head.

"This is unfair. The judge can't just destroy my life because he feels like it!" I spring up from my bed, but Alex grabs my hand before I can get far.

"Let's just try to make the best of a crappy situation. That's what we do right? Let's just try to make the best of the next six months. They're going to fly by. Before you know it, we'll be back in front of the judge and back to our normal lives." I know she's trying to comfort me, but it's only fueling my anger.

"You don't know that Alex! The judge could give him full custody! There's nothing guaranteeing that you and Servando will be able to adopt me in six months. Frankly it doesn't seem like that matters much to you anyways."

The hurt in her eyes is immediately visible.

"You know what Soph. I'm gonna give you some space... Hope everything goes well in Colorado. I'll see you when you get back."

She then gets up and walks out of my room without another word.


Now I kind of feel like a jackass. I didn't mean to upset her. My anger just took over and I didn't want to stop it. I don't want to spend time with this guy. He's a stranger to me. I don't want to know him and I don't want him to know me.

Life was good before he came around. I just want to get back to that.


My flight to Colorado wasn't too bad. My stomach on the other hand has been in knots since the plane took off from Orlando.

The airport bustles around me as I scan my surroundings for Jack. Part of me hopes he's not actually here.

Time begins to pass, but eventually I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Welcome to Denver," Jack smiles.

Immediately I can tell he's nervous. Even so, my expression doesn't change and I remain silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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