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Chapter Six:
Insanity at its Finest


Nezumi could feel it, feel the way his entire body lit up when he glanced at his phone.

Level: 10 of Clubs
Players: 27
Rules: All players will be split into groups of three and set out to kill all of the other groups, the group to come out alive will win. If there are still players from each group alive once the timer has run out all players will die and there will be no victor.
Time: 3 hours 45 minutes

A grin slowly etched onto Nezumi's face, he wasn't the best at fighting but he had very good aim. With both guns and knives.

He turned to the two other beach members, a deranged look in his eye as he stepped towards them.

"I told you, didn't I?" He laughed taking his phone rushing to another table filled with weapons.

Nezumi grabbed a two ringed daggers and 7 throwing stars. He tilted his head to the left, lollipop hanging from his lips as he started giggling.

"Lets hope you die a quick death before I get to you!" Stepping back he looked at all the people staring at him. Games like these turned him into a completely different person, it turned him into a blood thirsty monster.

Then the groups were announced, luckily for Ann and Chishiya they happened to be on the same team as the clearly demented man.

Nezumi and his team exited the current room through the first door on the right once they had their weapons in their hands.

It wasn't long before the dormouse was shedding blood, a crazed smile on his lips as he plunged one of his daggers into the chest of a crying and pleading woman.

Blood splattered all over his face and clothes, then it leaked from her lips as she spluttered the light from her eyes quickly fading.



On a TV near the group of three there showed a replay of Nezumi's kill.

Said man clicked his tongue moving forward, he had heard whimpers.

"Come on out, I'll make your death quick like I did with the other one."

Chishiya and Ann were behind him watching his back.



A double kill was shown on TV, two buff men who obviously weren't hesitant to kill.

The person who was hiding took this as his chance and ran at Nezumi, slicing his arm and then going for his stomach.

He missed.

Nezumi caught his wrist twisting it and breaking it. He sighed as the man screamed out and plunged his dagger into his eye socket.

"I told you that I was going to make it quick, but now I want you to suffer." Tugging the dagger out he kicked the man to the floor and straddled him stabbing him in the stomach repeatedly. Blood was now all over his clothes and his hands.

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