Captain America: civil war(1)

Start from the beginning

Steve: "Body armor, AR-15's. I make seven hostiles"

Sam flies in and up to a rooftop, spinning and using his wings to block gunfire. He takes out two soldiers.

Sam: "I make five"

Wanda arrives and flies over the rooftop and into the courtyard, blocking fire with her powers. She takes control of one soldier and lifts him upward.

Wanda: "Sam"

Sam glides down from the rooftop, catching the soldier on one of his wings.

Sam: "Four"

Y/n: "that counting is annoying. Please stop"

Sam's drone flies by, scanning the inside of the building.

Sam: "Rumlow’s on the third floor"

Steve: "Wanda, just like we practiced"

Wanda: "What about the gas?"

Steve: "Get it out"

Wanda uses her powers to lift Steve up and through the window. He grabs a soldier and pulls off their gas mask

Rumlow is inside. He punches down the door. He knocks aside a technician and enters a room with a container labeled "bio-hazard."

Rumlow: "Pack it up"

In another area, Steve is behind a pillar. He throws his shield, and it bounces off the soldier and back to Steve.

Meanwhile, Wanda is now using her powers to remove the gas from the building. Sam is exchanging fire with several soldiers.

Steve: "Rumlow has a biological weapon"

Nat is riding in on her motorcycle, with y/n on the back.

Nat: "we're on it"

Nat jumps off the motorcycle with y/n latched onto her back. The bike skids toward a soldier. y/n jumps off nats back and immediately transforms into heatblast. Nat takes out soldiers through hand-to-hand combat, while y/n took care of some with a little bit of firepower. Rumlow comes up behind behind nat and grabs her collar, dragging her onto an armored vehicle. She electrocutes him. All without y/n noticing.

Rumlow: "I don't work like that no more"

He throws her through the roof hatch into an armored vehicle, drops in a grenade, and shuts the hatch.

Rumlow: "Fire in the hole"

Mercenary: "No!"

Natasha takes out the soldiers inside, then grabs one to shield herself from the grenade. The doors blow open and she is thrown out, but was caught by y/n.

Heatblast: "mom! You alright?"

Nat: "yep. I'm alright kid. Just need a second... Go help the others"

Heatblast: "y-yes ma'am!"

Y/n let's go of her, as she stood by herself. Y/n crouches onto the ground, as the land around his feet, before rising from the ground in ablaze, this allows y/n to take to the sky's, using the flaming piece of rock like a surfboard.

Heatblast: "I should totally make a surfer dude joke, but I feel like that this isn't the right time to do so"

Y/n looks down at the ground below him, seeing Steve taking a one on one with Rumlow, who y/n has taken it to himself to call him Crossbones. Y/n lands not far from there, hearing the last thing between them.

Rumlow: "He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me, "Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go. And you're coming with me"

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