-11 The One and the Could Be-

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Celine was there, with the nameless man, who was clearly younger than her, which Amanda had no objection, as she too was younger than her husband. The nameless man was trying to capture Celine attention, which went unnoticed. Celine looked troubled. One thing Amanda was sure, Celine was not afraid of horses, standing there with one stallion nudging her head.

"He remembered her," her husband whispered.

Amanda was no genius, but it did not take one to understand, that the stallion belongs to Celine, a long time ago.

"After all this years?" she asked.

Maddox looked startled, clearly not expecting her to hear his verbal thought. He turned back to Celine and the stallion.

"She had ways with animals, but Alpha, he kind of fallen in love with her. I wanted to hate her for what she had done to me, but she was good with the animals here. That was also the reason why the rest put up with her." Maddox shrugged his shoulders.

"She should be an animal trainer then," Amanda said with awed.

Her husband said nothing. Amanda wished Monica was still here. She would know what to do.

"Do you want to go some place else?" her husband asked.

Amanda wrinkled her forehead, her eyebrows almost coming together. Why should they be the one to run? She was not one for confrontation, but for once she wanted to be there near the corral. If not to show Celine that she was not affected by her, at least for the horses.

Amanda did not have to make the decision though, as Celine saw them and waved them over, like they were long time friends. Maddox went rigid next to her, holding her hands like it was his lifeline. Amanda never falls in love before, except with her husband, but she knew now, it was hard to fall out of love, unless you never fall in love in the first place. Love and crush was two different things, sometimes interchangeable, creating a huge mess. And it was cleared that Maddox had once fallen in love with Celine.

"I guess we better go then." He sighed.

"It's not that bad. At least she's not trying to wiggle her way into your life anymore. She got him now." She indicated with her head towards the nameless man.

Was that it? Was her husband jealous? Maddox grumbled under his breath. He sighed again. Amanda was feeling dizzy just hearing all that. She did not sign for this. There was no backing out now.

"I know him," he said and Amanda almost choked on air.

She looked at him, eyes rounder than saucer, she was sure. "How? When? Where? Why? What?"

He chuckled. "Relax sweetie. Let's go over there and you'll find out."

Amanda took the walk over to the corral to assess the nameless man. If Celine was at the same age with her husband, plus or minus a year, then the man was in his early-20, more or less her age. Funny the way it turned out for Maddox and Celine, falling apart only to find a much younger partner.

The nameless man was built like Maddox; they could be brothers, only he was a brunette, like her. He was with one of the horse, shirtless, which the girls were appreciating. He smiled to them, but the way he looked at Celine, Amanda was sure there was love. Only Celine was not paying attention to him. Amanda was a married woman, but even she was appreciating the nameless man lean body.

"Hey you guys." Celine greeted them, over enthusiastic that made Amanda stumbled a bit. "Firstly, I want to apologize about last night. No hard feelings okay? Secondly, congratulation on your marriage. And lastly, here's your check."

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