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It was there, right behind his eyes that have lost glimmer and fire adorned by a ring of shallow grey. Exhaustion creeping up on him, the tolls of the days, the never ending guilt it was all... too much. He tried to keep himself composed to not wake you from your slumber- soft sounds of sleep leaving you. Just how precious you looked, it stirred something inside of him, a primal fear, losing you. Not to violence, not to danger, but himself fading away into death. It's been days since he slept with his nerves frying his brain so that even when he crawled into bed, he couldn't stop the vicious thoughts wracking his already fragile mind. Diluc turned to his side to watch you- ground himself to something to not lose his damn mind. You slightly stirred, turning over to face him with eyes still closed and searching for his hand in half asleep haze. Once you grasped his hand he saw a smile grace your face and his composure completely broke- the tightness in his throat escaped with a shuttered sigh and tears streaming down his perfect porcelain face. All he felt was the warmth from your hand in his, all he heard was you rhythmic breathing as you fell deeper into sleep. Memories flooding in of your running into the winery during a storm covered in blood that was a mix of your own and the monsters that crawled outside, holding tight the gash near your stomach with one hand and reaching out to his hand to hold steady before losing consciousness. He made a makeshift clinic room with healers coming in and out all day while the rain didn't halt outside- thanking the archons that his work would be halted with the pouring rain- and held that hand. Every. Moment. Until the warmth came back, dusting your knuckles in rosy blush. It was then when he brought your hand to his mouth and kissed the ridges between the bones, he was set alight- unfleeting, unfaltering, speaking a promise into your knuckles that he will devote himself to you wholly, that every breath he took would be in tandem with yours. The mammoth darkness eclipsing his adult life wasn't ended, no, but you carried a candle hand in hand with him and walked together through it. The hours that passed- time didn't make him forget, but it made him understand. This reminder brought him back to the bed- soft, comforting- and you, always you, with you're beauty illuminated by the gentle moons glow. There came a stillness, a clarity filled with his breath returning to normal and matched with yours.
Falling, as an anthem of movement.
Rising, as an exultation of it.
Staying still in its deepest appreciation.

Diluc took your hand and placed it on his lips once again and felt the smoothness of your skin by contrast of his own, wondering how even with being such a ferocious warrior that your hands stayed as soft as they were. Your dichotomy in details. The slight shimmer of dawn coloured their room in hues of pinks and blues as he heard whispers outside the door.

"Let's not disturb Master Diluc today."

Thankful for the thoughtfulness he mused as the sound of heels against wood slowly disappeared. It was, indeed, better late than never and now that they were alone, close, and finally content, he allowed sleep to wash over him- the last feeling before drifting off was the kiss he placed on the back of your hand.

You awoke completely tangled, realising that it's a blissful and monumental day- your lover was finally allowing himself a day off. You moved closer to him, sleep still calling you, placed your head head his chest and let the lull of his heartbeat bring you back to your dreams.

Love- a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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