You Have No Power Over Me (Loki/Labyrinth Crossover)

Start from the beginning

"Funny..." Chuckles Jareth "I was about to say the same thing about that ridiculous helmet." The look on the God Of Mischief' s face read clear as day. Oh no he didn't. He fired another blast and the Goblin King nimbly rolled away, but not fast enough, the green magic singed the shoulder of his favorite jacket. The smell of burnt leather hit Jareth's nostrils, he frowned down at the burned fabric, running his thumb over it.
"Your going to pay for that..." He growls. "Put it on my bill." Loki smirks back arrogantly before projecting five more images of himself, all encircling the blonde ruler of the labyrinth.

"Oh please..." Jarath conjures another crystal and tosses it up in nonchalance. "You think you can fool me with a simple illusion?" He asks, staring directly into the eyes of the real Loki before throwing the crystal. This impresses the banished God, no one in Asgard had ever been able to pick his tricks apart so easily.

"I practically invented them." Gloats Jareth. Loki in turn tries to block the incoming object with his staff, but the magical little ball simply swerves around the scepter of power. Hitting the intruder solidly In the abdomen. White magic escapes the crystal when it shatters. Swirling around him and fusing him into the wall behind him. Making him part of the labyrinth.

"Quaint..." Loki squints his eyes. His scepter lay on the ground where he had just stood. But where magic failed him, he always had his other natural Asgardian abilities. He breaks free using his Godlike strength. With the sound of the stone and mortar cracking and giving away, Jarath could hear his labyrinth cry in pain.
"Kneel before me!" The Asgardian ordered once free, his scepter flying back into his hand, cutting what would have been a terrifying figure, that is of course, if the Goblin King was ever afraid of anything. "You first." The monarch crosses his arms in defiance.

"I will not stand for such Insolence. Do you know who I am?!?" Cries Loki in annoyance, thrusting the base of his scepter into the ground.
"I don't actually. " Jarath let's out a hearty laugh. "That's what I've been trying to find out." He laughs even harder, the sound of it easing the tension somewhat between the two men. The laugh of the Goblin King was contagious. Loki finds himself joining, It was rather ironic.
"Well trespasser..." Begins Jareth idly playing with another crystal. "It seems we are in a bit of a bind. We are equally matched. You appear immortal, as am I. We could be here all day."

"Possibly." Responds Loki, not wanting to let on to much. "Perhaps we should make introductions. Where am I? Who are you?" "Now now, it's only courtesy that you should introduce yourself first." Jarath wags a gloved finger. "After all it is you who is the trespasser. "

"Very well..." The master of mischief gives in. "I am Loki of... Well formerly of Asgard." He greeted. "Ahh Loki the diety, that explains so much. What is it you are the God of again? Mischief?" A teasing smile forms on the edge of Jareth's mouth.

"That is my official title..." Answers the God regretfully. "Though I prefer chaos." He informs, as Mischief was quite the more awe inspiring word back in the day. But these days his title was a now source that others found amusing. "Chaos is good." Smirks Jareth. "Chaos is always good."

"Alright, I've kept up my end of the bargain. Now tell me immortal.... Who are thou?" Loki interrogates with suspicion. It was his business to know about everyone in Asgard. But this creature, with his strange magic and odd overindulgence of cosmetic products, this was no son of the first realm. So, where in all the nine realms could he be from?

"I am Jareth. King of the Goblins. Ruler of the Labyrinth." He states, adjusting his curved necklace, the symbol of his power. The banished God's jaw nearly hits the floor. "No.... no that can't be. Your not real. You don't exist!" He says with wide green eyes.

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