chapter 5 Is that him?

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Pt 2 of Tommy's back story

⚠ slight blood/gore⚠
⚠Platonic DeoInnit⚠
⚠ cursing⚠

3rd Person

Deo hops of the stands running to tommy "you scared me" he wispers tommy chuckles "I'd never leave you silly" "promise?"  deo asks "promise."

Another year of Tommy and deo doing duels earning money each time they just spent their money on food and sometimes swords and other weapons.

Over time Tommy's mask got to small
.tommy decided to see how it worked upon furher inspection tommy figured out he could adjust it. He kept it on for fights and going out in public because it helped him breath better. He also found that he developed voices he didnt tell deo cause he didn't want to worry him to much.

One day he went out to get food he didn't wear his mask but kept it in his pocket. As he was walking home his breath was getting staggered but as he was reaching for his mask he fainted.

He woke up the next day in a house it was unfamiliar. a boy who looked around the age of 12 walked  in tommy scrambled to get his dagger but found it wasn't there "Looking for this?" The boy asked holding his dagger attack him get the dagger The voices screamed "not yet" he thought.

"Give it back" he said as he heard his voice he realized how raspy it was from the lack of oxygen.

"Yeah no, your to young to have this" the boy said "Bitch your not my mother" tommy replied annoyed

Tommy pov

This boy is starting to anger me maybe I should listen to the voices yes kill him get the dagger.  I mean he did steal it from you. I guess theys are right. I reach into my hood and pull out one of the small knifes I have I throw it right next to his head as a warning.

"Wow, pretty fiesty ay?" He says slightly laughing I ignore him pulling out another before I could throw it he yells "Dad he's awake!" Damnit there's more just kill him already he's of no use to you. That's true but I don't know where my other dagger is.

A blonde haired man I assume to be his father walks in "our guest is a bit angry" the kid says "Wilbur he passed out on the sidewalk, he probably has a bad headache from the fall" Wilbur sp that's the boys name.

Just kill them take the dagger and run the voices urged I was about to listen when a pink haired boy walked in "oh the child's awake" he said in a monatone voice "BITCH I'm not a fucking child!" I yelled at him "now give my dagger back" the boy,Wilbur's father spoke up "you look around 9 why would you have a knife" "seven." I grumbled " what was that?" Wilbur asked "I  said I'm 7 not 9".

"Wilbur, techno, let's go outside for a moment" the father said " okay" both boys answerd I wait for a moment and then go to the door and listen in "we should take him in" one voice said "don't be absurd Will we don't need another kid runnin' around" another answered one other chimed in "I thinkt hats a good Idea will"

I heard footsteps coming back to the door so I run back to the couch I was on pretending to be bored.the father walks in first followed by the others the father speaks first " we've decided we're going to adopt you!" "no" I say imideeatly "look I'd love to stay but I promised someone I'd be home and-" I grab the knife I had cutting Wilbur's hand that held my dagger and I run out the door.

Suddenly the father lands in front of me giant grey wings in his back using the dagger I try to slice the father's hand.but something held me back I look behind me to see the pink haired kid holding me back. I struggle to get away but his grip was to strong.

I hear my breath faltering and the world goes black as I fall again.waking up I'm in a different room this one had mint green walls and a bed with white sheets in the middle. I try to grab a knife out my boot only to find they took my shoes. Destroy the room they'll have to come in eventually  I was to tired to do that so I just walked into the corner and fell asleep.

I wake up to see one of my voices had done the job for me Oh witch one of you did? that I ask in my head Me!  Which one are you again? €¥×π1⁶¢  oh sorry I don't understand well you can just call me ×  Lux? Yeah oh yeah where are the rest of the voices? They're asleep oh ok.

The door opens and I flinch Oh it's w1lmur or whatever his name was  Wilbur oh "Holy shit you did a number on this place" he says staring at the ripped wallpaper "Not me,"  I mutter he doesn't hear though.

" Well it's time for breakfast" he says "the kitchen is right down the stairs" don't go they might put druggas in the fooddds the fuck-  €¥×π1⁶¢? I thought you where asleep- oh is that another voice? Yes im another voice oh this is ¢@ty  caty? Yes That'd how you say it  well I'm going downstairs.

As I walked down the stairs Lux was screaming something about drugs in the food and caty trying to calm them down as I sit down more voices start to wake up. "I see you decided to join us," Techno,the pink haired boy says "meh need something to block em' out" I say quietly "block who out?" Techno asks "no one" I reply.

I eat a bit of food then I decide "well this was fun but someone's waiting for me at home" I dart out the door not caring if they still had my daggers I just wanted to go home and give deo a very big hug.

After a couple of months of febile stempts to escape I give up. Giving in to the 'family dynamic' but I still kept my mask to remind me of my real family and deo...  I usually talked to the nice voices like Lux and caty as well as others who where nice but got aggravated easily.

I usually slept in the closet because it made me feel safe and if anyone came in I could easily attack from the one door. One day the others trusted me enough to go to a arena fight I was super excited maybe I could see deo ooo deo he's nice the voices seemed exited to see deo as well.

Once we got there I told the family I had to use the loo and I slipped away I was walking around when I spotted him, DEO! He looked so different he had the same hat but now had glasses that covered his eyes and an orange hoodie. As I walked to him I whispered to myself " it can't be him can it?.."

Very long pog
1210 words

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